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Saturday, December 7, 2019

SGI YWD (Young Woman's Division Regional Leader) writes to SGIwhistleblowerrs about the 50K Lions of Justice Festival

"In regards to 50k, the moment it was demanded of us to participate, I hated it. I'm not the only one either. Almost every YWD I supported HATED the festival and the fact it was $20. Let me explain how they are really trying to force folks to get on board: It started at the Chapter level. If a leader was not enthusiastically on board, they were visited until they got the importance. I know some girls who just said they loved the idea just to stop the visits. Then those Chapter leaders were expected to get the district girls on board and how do you do that? MORE VISITS! As many as it took until it was determined that they could go into their districts and fire up their unit leaders who would do the dirty work. Mind you unit leaders were appointed after maybe one meeting. There's a HUGE push to make every youth that just shows up a unit leader. It's nuts. I can tell you so many unit leaders and the girls they're supposed to "raise up" after practicing for maybe a day, have left. Then there's the SQUAD OF 6! Every. Single. Member. is expected to register, at a minimum, 6 people to attend the festival. Everyone graduates to AD by 35 but for 50k, they're counting 12-39. I've seen messages from people saying their friends have stopped talking to them because they keep asking them to register. People are losing relationships and it's being encouraged because this is joyfully winning. Saying no doesn't matter to them. "I'm determined for this person to register TODAY" is a message I saw far too many times. There is no respect for others wishes. In fact, it's seen as a spiritual obstacle to ignore someone else's wishes JUST TO GET THEM TO CHANT. They really don't care. I don't know how large the organization is but I can say that at the moment they claim they are almost at 25k registrations. They are trying to hit the number by some date (every single fcking date is significant to them so I can't recall what was the date but it is in July).

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