One day about 8 months ago, I was very ill. I threw up and crapped all over the place. Some of the vomitus landed on my closet door. We cleaned it up but two stains remained on the closet door. The stains were a perfect representation of the two major protective deities on the Gohonzon, Fudo and Aizen. Please see for a depiction of these Buddhist gods.
"Fudo is invoked in many circumstances, chiefly against attacks of sickness – not because he is considered as a healer, but as an effective force to combat impurities and demons that cause illness. He is also invoked for protection against persons feared to be harmful and against spells cast by sorcerers. Fudo is also often considered as the defender of Japan against attack from external enemies. For all these reasons, he must be one of the Buddhist deities most often invoked in Japan, and also one of the most popular."
When I go to bed I look at these deities found on the Gohonzon and on my closet door, chant three Namu Myoho renge kyo's, and know that I am protected.
If anyone wants a picture of the stains on my closet door, I believe that I can make a photograph of them and send it to you or post it here. My daughter will have to help me because I don't know how to post the pictures to the internet.