Monday, July 13, 2020

So sorry for DimDroog thanks to SGI

SGI Will Ruin Your Life.

I'm a Misfortune baby.
My parents were shakabukued when I was five, in Southern California, in 1970.
I'm now 55.
My parents divorce and my fathers death set the fouindation for my mothers fanatical practice.
Years of being dragged to meetings, and rehearsals for conventions.
I was neglected pretty thoroughly.
Then it was my turn: YWD activities, drill dance, hours of rehearsals and chanting.
My time would have been better spent in therapy, and in school.
I have given thousands in money, and my precious time.
I'm seeing pioneer members doing terribly, I mean really, really bad.
Their children are not nice either.
My mind feels seared by all this, and I'm at the point where I want to see a specialist in cult deprogramming.
The 50K nonsense was another nail in the coffin.
I never want to see or hear chanting and Gongyo again!
I have more stories, one where a YMD, a misfortune baby, was forced to cut his hair to participate in the roller skating thing they were doing.
Another where a WD was getting guidance b/c she didn't want to wear the stupid NSA uniform, it triggered her anxiety so much.
So many stories of members handing over their last dollar for the May campaign!
Fuck Ikeda.
He ruined my childhood, and so many other GenX kids forced to practice.
My mother was a fanatic.
ETA: my mother still is a fanatic!!
It's destroyed our relationship.
Edited to add:
"I never want to see or hear chanting and Gongyo again!" Never once in 25 years as an independent have I heard of person who left the faith as an independent with the same negative perception of the Lotus Sutra as do SGI members. The reason is that SGI is not real Buddhism, it is Ikedaism.                                                                                                                                                             

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