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Monday, July 13, 2020

Reading Dharmawheel Nichiren forum without the ability to respond (as I was banished)

Basically, most people talk a lot of s--t about the faith and practice of Nichiren's Lotus Sutra Buddhism. I only believe what Shakyamuni Buddha (Lotus Sutra) and Nichiren have to say. If we believe them and believe in them, we can not go astray. People often criticize me for quoting the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren. They often say, "why don't you tell me what you think" or "why don't you tell me in your own words." Each word of the Eternal Buddha is in itself a golden Buddha and each word of Nichiren too is a golden Buddha because he experienced a bodily reading of the Lotus Sutra, thus proving the Lotus Sutra. Though we too demonstrate a bodily reading of the Lotus Sutra here and there in our daily lives, Nichiren experienced a bodily reading of nearly every passage, every word of the Lotus Sutra day and night. Why should you listen to a guru, high priest, common priest, nun, layman, or laywoman when you can listen to the Eternal Buddha and Nichiren regarding the faith and practice of the Lotus Sutra. The Eternal Buddha and Nichiren do not ask for a dime and their wisdom is beyond, beyond. Please remember this when taking in a lecture from a monk or layman. Nichiren directs us to only embrace those who preach with Sutra in hand. We can only know who preaches with Sutra in hand when we study the Sutra and writings of Nichiren and practice as they.


  1. Just as well you have your own forum and are able to share your faith in sites that aren't moderated. Better not to be somewhere else if we can't be free to express ourselves. Often the people controlling them have ego problems in that they can't tolerate those that challenge them!

  2. Most long time true-blue, SGI, adherents, are not even close to sentience or humanity. They are deeply flawed, robot people sucked into the rigidity and inanity of the cult. That is because, it is the only way they can survive and have any relationship with any other human being. Japan is just a fuking dead man walking. They have to have fascists, like the ldp and komeito in power to preserve the illusion that they have any cohesion, whatsoever

  3. Try to look at them as your best friends in the entire world as Nichiren looked at those who tried to do him harm. Cause and effect. They will become even more miserable as the months and years pass and you, without revenge in your heart, will certainly fare better than them.
