Sunday, August 2, 2020

The Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra

Although the Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra is a wonderful writing, it is a relatively early writing (1966), before his awakening at Tatsunokuchi and exile to Sado. In Nichiren's Five Major Works, he also stresses the importance of the entire twenty eight chapter Lotus Sutra.


  1. i don't know ....merciful shakyamuni said daimoku is equivalent to a complete reading of the lotus sutra in the latter day.

  2. Nichiren stated that but in his later more important works, he stresses also, the importance of the 28 Chapter Lotus Sutra. Just because one recitation of Daimoku is equal to reading the entire Lotus Sutra one time, does that mean we shouldn't read and embrace the entire Lotus Sutra?

    Chapter 17 of the Lotus Sutra teaches that one moment of faith and understanding of the infinite lifespan (Namu Myoho renge kyo) of the Tathagata is more valuable than practicing the first five of the Six Paramitas (Wisdom Paramita excepted) for quadrillians of kalpas. However, shortly thereafter, the Buddha declares, "How much more in the case of persons who reads, recites, and embrace this sutra!" What do you think, Greg?

  3. Please cite your sources including page numbers

  4. Nichikan wrote: 

    "We recite the Hoben Pon (2nd chapter) to smash the provisional sutras, we recite the Juryo Hon (16th Chapter) to smash the Hoben Pon, and we recits the daimoku to smash the Lotus Sutra".
    Source please
    The Threefold Secret Teaching" (Sanju hiden sho): In this writing Nichikan exhorts us us to abandon the Lotus Sutra and only embrace Namu Myoho renge kyo.
    Page number?
    The Meanings Hidden in the Depths" (Montei hichin sho). In this equally bizarre writing he changes the Great Secret Law of the Object of Worship in terms of the person from the Original Eternal Buddha Shakyamuni to Nichiren Daishonin.R
    Page number?
    The Practice of this School" (Toryu gyoji sho). In this slanderous writing, Nichikan says we chant the Daimoku to smash the Juryo Chapter and chant the Juryo Chapter to smash the Hobenpon. 
    Page number?
    観心本尊抄 STN p.154
    How would you explain this passage?

  5. Are you denying that Nichikan wrote this and that Nichiren Shoshu hasn't been teaching this for many years? You will need to translate this passage for me with name of Gosho, date, and background and then I will try and explain this passage in light of the Lotus Sutra, the Five Major writings, and the entire canon of authenticated texts available to me.

  6. Funny you ask me to cite my sources but you fail to cite your source or even a translation. Jerry, is this you? How are you?

  7. any-mouse.... the smashing referee to a provisional reading. once the lotus sutra is taught a provisional reading or practice becomes poison and a hinderance./// from my understanding nichiren recommends if one has time they should recite the expedient means and the jiga ge chapters. yes , nichiren made reference to many chapters . a provisional understanding/understanding/reading is smashed by the reading of the lotus sutra from the stand point of MYOHO RENGE KYO. WHICH IS THE OF THE BUDDHAS TEACHINGS, PRIOR TO THE EXPOUNDING OF THE HONMON OF THE LOTUS SUTRA THE BUDDHA TAUGHT WITH THE LOVE AND COMPASSION OF THE MOTHER...ATER IT WAS A COMBINATION OF MOTHERS COMPASSION AND FATHERS STRICTNESS, HENCE - NICHIREN.

  8. refer...

    all is encompassed in NAMU MYOHO RENGE KYO and faith not knowledge is the real issue. getting hung up on too much knowledge is a mistake.

  9. "Nichikan wrote:

    "We recite the Hoben Pon (2nd chapter) to smash the provisional sutras, we recite the Juryo Hon (16th Chapter) to smash the Hoben Pon, and we recits the daimoku to smash the Lotus Sutra".
    Source please
    The Threefold Secret Teaching" (Sanju hiden sho): In this writing Nichikan exhorts us us to abandon the Lotus Sutra and only embrace Namu Myoho renge kyo.
    Page number?
    The Meanings Hidden in the Depths" (Montei hichin sho). In this equally bizarre writing he changes the Great Secret Law of the Object of Worship in terms of the person from the Original Eternal Buddha Shakyamuni to Nichiren Daishonin.R
    Page number?
    The Practice of this School" (Toryu gyoji sho). In this slanderous writing, Nichikan says we chant the Daimoku to smash the Juryo Chapter and chant the Juryo Chapter to smash the Hobenpon.
    Page number?"

    this is one of your posts. i asked you for the page numbers for these"quotes". this is from the rokkan sho, which is not in english. whoever told you these things is WRONG.
    it doesnt say that at all.
    the passage i quoted is from the kanjin honzo sho. as you are obviously unable to read it you rely on spurious translations.
    Shoshu never taught this. this is from the gakkai. you disparge them yet you rely on their erroneous gosho "translations".
    you wont find it in their version because it wrecks their incorrect doctrinal views.
    the meaning of the passage i posted is this:
    "the buddha who preaches here is the eternal buddha, NOT shakyamuni who attained buddhahood for the first time under the bodhi tree in buddhagaya. accordingly, what is preached here differs from what was preached before as clearly as heaven and earth.....
    unfortunately all of the english versions of this dont mention the concept of kyoji 脇士, which means side attendants.
    Kanjin Honzon Sho. gz page 249, shintei 969, stn 714.

    regarding faith- without study you wont have a correct faith. many people in the gakkai, shu and the other religions have pure faith, but what they have faith in is incorrect.

  10. Go away heretic, defending the indefensible and lying. Your low life priests ALWAYS taught this. I heard it with my own two ears. Then you dare put teachings into my mouth that I never taught. Most importantly, Nichiren never taught you needed to know Chinese or Japanese to attain Enlightenment. Get lost or I will lose you.




  13. i proclaim jerry the Weiner/whiner. unlike nichiren. !
