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Monday, June 7, 2021

Anonymous and my response on the State of Civilization and Namu Myoho renge kyo (finalized).


SGI are prestoopniks. That's Russian for criminals.Biden is terrible. I stayed in the Ukraine, after Chernobyl. It is collapsing . Many sick people. The same is happening in Japan since Fukushima. The right are mostly racist Mad-dogs. That won't fly in any coalition. Liberals are not leftists. They are centrists and irrational neoliberals.

It will take something like what happened in China or germany, to nationalize banks and, form a new economy not based on financialization, to change things. Something planned and, with a concerted mandate. A concensus of change w a coalition and hopefully not any bloodshed.

The problem is, how fragile and tenuous the USA is. Many reactors, are on the verge of failure in the USA. When they go, it will be a full-blown extinction event. I saw half a town, in a usa nuke sacrifice zone, die of cancer.

Japan and the Ukraine are collapsing from the health costs of cancer, birth defects, other health problems from the ongoing extreme nuclear catastrophes, that occured there. The USA is very close to that. 

The landscape is not cut and dry or black and white. It's a slippery slope with, three, or 4 interconnected crossroads, w the possibilities, of multiple deadly outcomes .

1. The crossroads of climate-change, industrial and nuclear poisoning,
2. politics, Banning started this nihilistic early road to extinction . So far little to no rational leadership w this variable
3.Infrastructure problems collapsing societal cohesion. There probably will be a reactor meltdown.

Some of the ignorant right will disconnect from their Dunning-Kruger effect of the ignoramuses and manipulators. Maybe a coalition is possible, to help stop the ongoing fatal radioculide dementias and poisonings. The march to nuclear war and Oblivion.

4. The march into complete societal economic, and environmental breakdown will occur if there is extreme civil unrest and people become too crazy and unhealthy.

My Response:

First, I have two questions. How inter-related are nuclides everywhere and climate change?

By "banning", do you mean the censoring and persecution of those who warn of the present global situation and work to transform society?

Is this not Mappo, the Latter Day of the Law, the Latter Degenerate Age? It brings tears to my eyes when I think of the world of my children and grandchildren and all children and all the species. Yes, we are witnessing an extinction event. In pre-Lotus Sutra Buddhism, this is known as Samsara*. Fortunately, I often see the Land as the Buddha's Land where evermore people will chant Namu myoho renge kyo out of desperation. I believe that this is not the only advanced civilization that earth has experienced. There were possibly a half dozen advanced civilizations that died out in earths 4 billion years and there will be others. Thanks to the Lotus Sutra, Namu Myoho renge kyo, the Gohonzon and the Eternal Buddha, where and when we choose to be reborn, we will, enjoying the fruits of Enlightenment. We are and will benefit ourselves and society now and far into the future. I choose to be reborn in Mappo with my family and friends, many of whom who don't yet chant Namu Myoho renge kyo, in this civilization or another.

*"Saṃsāra (Sanskrit, Pali; also samsara) in Buddhism is the beginningless cycle of repeated birth, mundane existence and dying again. Samsara is considered to be dukkha, suffering, and in general unsatisfactory and painful, perpetuated by desire and avidya (ignorance), and the resulting karma."

In Lotus Sutra Buddhism Samsara equals Nirvana because only within Samsara can we attain Buddhahood.

Lastly, I agree, SGI Senior Leaders, especially the high salaried top Japanese Senior Leaders, are definitely criminals. They earn huge salaries to do the same work that there minion leaders do for free. They exploit their members. In real Buddhism, laymen do NOT accept slms (donations). They have also supported TEPCO and the continued running of Japan's nuclear reactors, even those on the coasts and those on faltlines.

1 comment:

  1. Millions of tons Radionuclidetons of hi level radionucldes and several nuke subs, and 17 highly radioctibe reactors were dumped in the Arctic ocean. Mostly by the Russians. Millions of tons of nuclear waste including PLUTONIUM, and currents from Fukushima to the Arctic, are generating heat from the heat decay of radiocuclides.
    Reactors warm up the ocean using uranium 235 and plutonium to boil water are one hell of a way to boil water. Radionuclides in the upper atmoshere like Krypton are destroying then ozone layer. Rqdionuclides are highly pyrophoric,they are highly accountable for the wildfires from the Santa Susanna
    Fires by la, Hanford in Siberia, by mayak, by Chernobyl and Fukushima, by reactors, by Los Alamos by INL, by nuke waste sites in France and Europe and khazakstan.

    Politics, Steve Banning started this nihilistic early road to extinction by shifting America and , world to fascism and more nuclearism
