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Sunday, December 12, 2021

A possible prayer to incorporate before, during, or after chanting the Daimoku

“May the merits we have accumulated by this offering (of the Daimoku) be distributed among all living beings, And may we and all other living beings Attain the enlightenment of the Buddha!” - modified from Chapter VII of the Lotus Sutra


  1. meditating on the Law- myoho renge kyo,-- essence of everything in the universe; permeates all phenomena; makes all who maintain their faith until the last moment of their lives eligible for the same benefits accrued by the Buddha. "distributing benefits"? how bizarre.

  2. Yes, it is a poor translation, possibly coming from Senchu Murano's translation of the Lotus Sutra, However, as Nichiren taught in the True Object of Worship and I paraphrase, "The Buddha wraps the Five Characters of Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo around the necks of the ordinary people of the Latter Day." In a sense, "distributed among the people" does convey the message.

    1. yeah- another fact about salvation with daimoku . truth- regardless of the musings and thoughts arising from the minds of Mappo born common mortals !
