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Sunday, December 5, 2021

There are evil men who chant the Daimoku

"Similarly, the Nirvana Sutra says: “In that age there will be evil monks... These evil men will read and recite this sutra, but they will ignore and put aside the profound and vital principles that the Thus Come One has expounded in it.”

SGI leaders and Nichiren Shoshu priests come to mind,


  1. one track mind, duly noted.

  2. And the words you use, blogger, reflect the depravity of your mind.

  3. Likewise there are evil men who denounce the evil in others and do little to correct their own evil behavior.

  4. Apparently, you have no faith in shakubuku, the forceful practices, in lessening karmic retribution and the purification of the senses. Oh, I forgot, you are already perfect.

  5. the most profound and vital principle in the Lotus Sutra is that all living beings possess the Buddha nature and are worthy of respect, including worthy of respectful engagement and civil discourse, especially when sharing "the teachings".
    once again. Mark you miss the point--

  6. Actually, according to Nichiren, the fact that all living beings possess the Buddha nature and thanks to the Lotus Sutra, all who come in contact with the Lotus Sutra will eventually attain Buddhahood... is the SECOND most important principle of the Lotus Sutra. The eternity of the Buddha's life and Enlightenment is the m0st important principle. I suggest you read the Opening of the Eyes.
