Sunday, May 22, 2022

Katie asked me to post the following to clarify her position regarding published post "Another Anonymous comment":(and my response)

"Good to know the wolves are well fed. Interrupting meetings? Oh dear! I know this commenter BTW-- they are good humored and resistant to conspiracy theories, preferring to mock them-- a Gen Z'er who loves the "birds are not real" response to lunatic right winged extremists. Personal and cultural references are necessary to appreciate context and to avoid snap judgements of others. The same, by way of genuine study, can be said for the purpose of developing a deeper, more clear understanding of Nichiren's "letters to followers" IMO ~Katie-- please post to clarify my position. Thanks!

Perhaps Katie could clarify "interrupting meetings" and "a Gen Z'er who loves the "birds are not real" response to lunatic right winged extremists." 

Regarding Nichiren's writings and criticism of me for publishing various passages of the writings without citing background and cultural context, she writes, 

"Personal and cultural references are necessary to appreciate context and to avoid snap judgements of others. The same, by way of genuine study, can be said for the purpose of developing a deeper, more clear understanding of Nichiren's "letters to followers" 

There are letters Nichiren meant for individuals and others, like the Five Major Works, dedicated to all his followers. One can easily research the background and cultural context of any passage. just as the Lotus Sutra was preached primarily for the people of this Latter Degenerate Age which will last for "ten thousand years and more", likewise Nichiren's teachings. The OVERWHELMING context of Nichiren's teachings is the Latter Day of the Law, the "time". This is explained in his writing, The Teaching, Capacity, Time, and Country.


  1. sgi/nst = Nichiren said this but meant that..... ha ha ha ! same old story. same old slander.

  2. If you google “ birds aren’t real” you will find gen-Z’s response to “ conspiracy theories”— a parody.
    “ interrupting meetings, oh dear” refers to your assertion that the FBI disrupts war resisters meetings — a sensational accusation with no factual content -apparently to create an aura of trepidation around engaging in anti- war activities , which I imagine you include yourself as equally vulnerable to such covert interference? I thought that was odd and funny.
    It helps to be in touch with contemporary youth generated culture— they are paving their path to the future that rightfully belongs to them ❤️
    ~ Katie- please post here where it is relevant , thanks 😊
