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Tuesday, June 14, 2022

An even bigger liar than Marty and Tanya, Daisaku Ikeda, their Sensei, mentor, example on how to live as a "human being"

"As an eternal principle, the Soka Gakkai will never ask for even the tiniest contribution of offering from the members." --Daisaku Ikeda Seikyo Shimbun, June 16, 1962

SGI-USA Millennium Fund and Legacy Society: Securing the Future of American Kosen-rufu More from those who, according to Daisaku Ikeda, "(we) will never ask for even the tiniest contribution of offering from the members" 

The SGI-USA recently established the Millennium Fund, a long-term investment fund designed to expand and protect our kosen-rufu movement for many generations to come. The Millennium Fund will be built over time through estate or legacy gifts and provide important resources for the future.

Individuals who have included the SGI-USA in their estate plans are invited to join the Millennium Legacy Society now and to allow the SGI-USA to express appreciation for this profound commitment. Millennium Legacy Society members will receive a special certificate, a pin and, most important, the knowledge that they are making causes to secure the future of our movement in the United States.

For More Information: To learn about how you can join the Millennium Legacy Society or to learn more about the Millennium Fund, please contact Mary Oberman; by phone at: 310-260-8921; or by mail at: SGI-USA Millennium Fund, 606 Wilshire Blvd., Santa Monica, CA 90401. GI-USA Millennium Fund and Legacy Society: Securing the Future of American Kosen-rufu More from those who, according to Daisaku Ikeda, "will never ask for even the tiniest contribution of offering from the members" 

The SGI-USA recently established the Millennium Fund, a long-term investment fund designed to expand and protect our kosen-rufu movement for many generations to come. The Millennium Fund will be built over time through estate or legacy gifts and provide important resources for the future.

Individuals who have included the SGI-USA in their estate plans are invited to join the Millennium Legacy Society now and to allow the SGI-USA to express appreciation for this profound commitment. Millennium Legacy Society members will receive a special certificate, a pin and, most important, the knowledge that they are making causes to secure the future of our movement in the United States.

For More Information: To learn about how you can join the Millennium Legacy Society or to learn more about the Millennium Fund, please contact Mary Oberman; by phone at: 310-260-8921; or by mail at: SGI-USA Millennium Fund, 606 Wilshire Blvd., Santa Monica, CA 90401. 

They have learned their lessons well.


  1. Marty and Tanya aren’t liars, Mark.
    I hope you can appreciate that behaving this way says more about how “ you live as a human being”.
    ~ Katie

    1. You are adopting Ad Hominum. Why don't you respond to the post. BTW Qigong is not Anon, he practices Qigong a worthless practice.

  2. Calling them liars is ad hominem. Duh?
    I saw no name but “ Qigong”
    Another attempt to avert accountability.
    ~ Katie

  3. You claim the Buddha and Nichiren are your “ sensei’s” but treat believers with contempt.
    You publish all sorts of scandalous attacks on believers and incite discord thru various manipulations of info.
    For sample: recently you “ informed” Tanya that you received obscene threats against your wife by “:a SGI member”, but you did not provide pertinent context; that the threats were posted on “:Fraught with Peril” an internet Nichiren Buddhist forum that devolved into such horrific base discourse that it was “ taken down”. Or that Greg and Jerry, in defense of you, threatened the participants after establishing they could identify and locate them .
    So, what you didn’t share was the early warning signs of violence resulting from internet confrontations , which now we see as the clear and present danger in our country by similar internet interactions !
    A discussion around the detrimental effects of internet discourse would possibly allow you to see that it is precisely the distance between people and the lack of all that transpires in face to face interaction that leads to everything from people falsely representing themselves to brazen threats and intimidation towards others as well as bubbles of disinformation that expand exponentially. We see violence on a horrific scale as a result of this in our daily lives. It must also be noted that participants on such forums like, Fraught with Peril, ARBN , and Eagle Peak, tend to be grievance based and grudge carrying folks looking for a target; seeking a group or others to blame for their grievances. This discussion would be interesting and could lead to new and better understandings of the importance of life to life connections, listening to and seeking to understand others and finding common ground.
    No ad hominem here, Mark. Just sharing observations and thoughts hoping for a transformation in discourse here, if that’s possible!
    ~ Katie

  4. You claim you belonged to SGI for 19 years and rose to the rank of leader, and yet, you did not form any bonds of trust in all that time? Not even one of your leader cohorts were "converted" to what you preach here? Interesting.
    Sorry you cannot comprehend the changes that supported the infastructure required to accommodate the growing organization, which is on par with other religious organizations in our country. No scandal here.
    I suppose you considered yourself "picked on" in the SGI, just as you claim to be "picked on" by Nichiren forums that moderate you for abusive language. Here you moderate, control the board, calling participants names, and making the most outrageous character assassinations of people you've never met, just because they attempt to enlighten you to what following the teaching of all who chant the daimoku should be "the last to abuse each other", looks like.
    You don't want to discuss the teachings, Mark. You want to keep grinding your axe and severing ties with fellow believers so that you can claim to be the lone votary, tapping away on your keyboard, the only one who grasps the teachings, a poor man with no influence "picked on, just like Nichiren"?
    Don't mistake my feedback for angry ad hominem. I am saddened and sickened by your story, mostly because that by now, you should be able to see your own flaws and weaknesses.

    1. Matthew Presseau, Chris Holte, Gregorio, Michael Opoku, Israel Isaacs, even Katie before she became complicit with your degenerate cult, and others who I no longer remember left the SGI to be enveloped in the Eternal Buddha and Nichiren. Now Marty, address the issue of your corrupt duplicitous, lying Sensei.
