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Sunday, June 12, 2022

An example of the behavior of a top SGI leader by Qigong

"They say that even if they blow you off you still planted a seed in them and one day it will grow. The most crazy example of this I think I posted already in detail but in a nut shell, here it is again. I was on the way to Kosen Rufu Gongyo when the person who was driving (high up leader who practiced about 25years) slammed on breaks and caused a 3 car accident. I was in the car with another woman and her two young kids. She acted phoney and joyfully like the accident was no big deal and she proceeded to Shakabuku all those involved and handed them all a Nam Myoho renge kyo business card (that's what SGI is alright, a business). One was a young couple and the other was an old couple that were on the way to a funeral. All of the people she talked to had a perplexed look on their face like who is this nut who caused this accident and now is all bubbly telling me about a religion. I especially felt bad for the couple who would miss a funeral. But this leader had no awareness whatsoever as to how thoughtless and obnoxious she was. She couldn't even care less about the brand new member woman and two young kids in the car or myself and she bragged about how she was able to give them a card. Lemons into lemonade she said or something to that effect. Freakin lunatic!!! Oh, did I mention she was the cause of the accident because she slammed on the brakes at a red light. She wasn't paying attention because she was too busy lecturing me."

This is what human revolution looks like after 25 years? This is scary. Not to mention that this leader had absolutely no accountability for her actions. I hope her license was eventually revoked. She shouldn't be allowed to drive a go-kart let alone a vehicle.

Human revolution? More like human repugnancy


  1. the benefit of a deeper delusion....according to our teacher, nichiren.

  2. Cause and effect are strict.Better to reflect on one’s own repugnant behavior, especially when getting all wound up about what someone else deserves. I credit Nichiren with teaching self reflection and discernment regarding “ what comes out of one’s own mouth”.
    ~ Katie

  3. Wow! A martial art , Qigong , speaking / writing ?
    Hard up for scandalous gossip, Mark reaches into his mystery file.
    X-Files reboot !

    1. From a person, Qigong on SGIwhistleblowers. Of course I don't support mixing Qigong with the practice of the Lotus Sutra. More cult bull baiting (Ad Hominem).

    2. Easy there Mark.
      Your bull British alarm is malfunctioning 😬

  4. so says the self appointed authorities who trade on malicious gossip.

  5. As a TV detective once said, "just the facts mam, just the facts"

  6. This story would require serious vetting before being published by a responsible, fact centered, blogger!
    Qigong is an anon whistleblower on the internet. I rest my case.
    ~ Katie

  7. FYI Mark- Qigong’s post is an editorial .opinion, not facts.🙄
