Katie: Since there are no enlightened common mortals, it seems like there should not be any believers who would even attempt to elevate themselves to the role of judging, condemning and marginalizing other believers.
Mark: Tell that to the Soka Gakkai the, Shoshinkai, the Kenshokai, the Nichiren Shoshu and the Honmon Butsuryu Shu, 10 or so million adherents who claim that only through their way can one attain Enlightenment in this very body. Soka Gakkai members go so far to claim, "I am a Buddha" and publically, no less. Regarding Enlightenment and the common mortal, Nichiren teaches in The Selection of the Time, one of his Five Major Writings:
I had no sooner uttered these words than the nation was suddenly faced with internal revolt. Since the country has fallen into grave disorder, then, although I may be a mere common mortal of no social standing, so long as I uphold the Lotus Sutra, I deserve to be called the foremost Great Man in all Japan at this time." - SGI Seiten
and in Nichiren's most important writing, he states:
"Those who shall receive and keep the name of the Hokke, Namu Myoho renge kyo, the Three Great Secret Dharmas of the of the Original Doctrine, the Actual One Thought is Three Thousand Realms which we with single-minded sincerity and devotion have chanted aloud, have merit which cannot be measured. The Causal Practices and the virtues of Effect of Buddhahood of Lord Shakya are fully possessed in the Five Characters (Myo ho ren ge kyo). When we receive and and keep these Five characters, He spontaneously yields and gives to us the merit of these causes and effect." - True Object of Worship, the Kempon Hokke Seiten
The foremost Great Man in Japan, the parent, teacher, and sovereign of Japan (see the writing, The Opening of the Eyes), though a common mortal was indeed Enlightened and he also taught that those with the same faith and practicethose with the same faith and practice as he, too were Bodhisattvas of the Earth, enlightened beings.
Katie: Actually Nichiren did teach / warn his followers not to abuse one another.
Mark: As It's not right to abuse anyone. Many of the hundreds of thousands who quit the SGI felt that they were abused, working for free, having little time to develop their families and careers, donating large sums to the top Japanese senior leaders' extreme salaries, their faiths being impugned, the list goes on and on. I've documented again and again that the Soka Gakkai, Nichiren Shoshu, and Nichiren Shu members, believers, leaders and priests, are NOT followers of Nichiren for a myriad of reasons. Their faith, practice, and doctrines differ from Nichiren's and those proscribed by the Lotus Sutra.
Katie: This is our unique struggle/ challenge - to transcend differences and prove the power of Myoho Renge kyo —
Mark: My goal is the same but you should remonstrate with the Nichiren Shoshu priesthood, the Soka Gakkai leadership, Soka Spirit group, Kenshokai, Shoshinkai, Honmon Butsuryu Shu, Japanese Kempon Hokke and others who NOT ONLY break the unity but fail to maintain the same faith, practice, and doctrines as Nichiren.
Katie: We cannot accomplish this with nasty, petty infighting - especially on a public forum, lest we want to convey that there is nothing special about embracing/ reciting the daimoku — we can just join the ranks of hypocrites following lesser teachings , who do not practice what they preach!"
Mark: You are barking up the wrong tree, ignoring the behavior and false teachings (doctrines) of these entire groups, those who have great power and influence. Instead, you attack the few individuals who refuse to accept the destruction of the teachings.
Katie: Creating unity starts with mutual agreement on basic principles.
Mark: Absolutely! Unless everyone adopts the same faith, practices, and doctrines, there will never be unity. Are you just realizing this now? I suggest you shout this out from the mountain top as I have for nearly 25 years.
Katie: When there are so many issues causing suffering in our country today, every opportunity a believer has to bring the power of Myoho Renge kyo into the forefront of thinking, speaking and acting for the sake of others, is propagating Myoho Renge kyo.
Mark: We must spread only the power of Namu Myoho renge kyo, not the power of the mentor or high priest which dilutes the power of Namu Myoho renge kyo. We must also study in order to develop the same faith and practices as the Buddha and Nichiren. There are those who chant Namu Myoho renge kyo who are thieves and murderers, who exploit others, abuse others, even their own children. Who's worse, from a purely religious standpoint, are thos who would alter the teachings, going so far as to adopt Shingon and Zen principles into the Lotus Sutra Budhism of Nichiren. Nichiren was very strict about this last point.
Katie: Instead of focusing on unity that is based on Myoho renge kyo, this blog focuses on debasing all Nichiren sects and specifically the SGI! Worse, this is accomplished mostly with gossip and scandalous anonymous testimonials!
Mark: Believe what you wish but if you continue to slander me, a true disciple and believer of the Buddha, Lotus Sutra, and Nichiren, you are destined for hell.
Katie: Rather than develop relationships and conducting civil dialogue , Mark and Greg take cheap shots at long time practitioners with strong faith, like me and Jerry - on this public forum when each of them could engage us personally.
Mark: We have a relationship. You are one of my best friends, if we are to believe Nichiren. Regarding civil dialogue, that you fail to acknowledge your own uncivil dialogue and especially the most uncivil dialogue of the Soka Gakkai, Kenshokai, Shoshinkai, and Nichiren Shoshu (a dialogue that destroys the authentic teaching of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren), is actual proof that your faith is twisted.
You can start walking on the correct path by adopting the core teachings of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren and by correcting those who embrace a different Three Great Secret Laws and Three Treasures of Nichiren.
Anyone can see that I am allowing you to have your say. However, if you are off topic to a post, repeat yourself again and again in your slander of me (and the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren), I will not allow your comment to be aired. The readers can also see that I have answered your assertions utilizing the Lotus Sutra and writings of Nichiren and not merely taking a sentence here and there out of context but utilizing the Five Major Works and entire canon, when applicable.
Katie: They could follow Nichiren’s example of addressing believers - in his letters to his followers, but instead they gravitate toward letters where Nichiren discussed the issues facing them , with regard to the Buddha and the LS in medieval Japan , with followers he knew well."
Mark: Yes, unlike the Soka Gakkai leaders, Nichiren was gentle with his followers and forceful with unbelievers (as the Lotus Sutra Chapter 3 teaches). He was a;sp forceful and uncompromising with his indecicive, let alone cowardly "followers". The questions arise, are the Soka Gakkai leaders and members, the Nichiren Shoshu priests and believers, and those other groups mentioned above, their leaders and priests, followers of Nichiren? Can one be considered a follower of Nichiren if they accept some of his teachings while rejecting others? My answer is a resounding NO.
Again, you disregard Nichiren’s own well documented responses to and for his followers - specific encouragement via teachings that resonated with them. Preaching dogma and doctrines as you have become known for — even claiming that the daimoku of the “ ignorant” is worthless is a far cry from Nichiren’s example.
ReplyDeleteUnity is based on belief in myo ho ren ge kyo— reciting it, sharing IT.
Nichiren states : “ Therefore Miao-lie has declared… “ You should know that both our bodies and the land on which we live are part of the 3,000 modes of existence which exist in our minds. Consequently, upon our attainment of Buddhahood, we are in complete agreement with the truth of ‘3,000 existences contained in one thought’, and our single body and single thought permeate through all the worlds in the universe.” Kanjin Honzon- sho.
My challenges and criticisms of your tactics and teachings here is based on my study and practice over nearly 34 years. By no means am I “ slandering you “-
However, I will point out the fallacy in your claiming “ you are destined for hell “. Please review “ mutual possession of the 10 worlds “-
Hell is not a destination in Buddhist teachings, but one of 10 realms which possess ALL other 9, including, Buddhahood.
The question is: Are you embracing the perfect teaching ?
Further more, I ask : Are you conducting yourself in a manner that reflects your claim to being an enlightened common mortal?
I wonder how you have failed to recognize that you are actually in concert with so many who sound off daily about their grievances and point fingers at others as the “ cause” for their discontent ?
I reiterate : The basic principle for unity is belief in myo ho ren ge kyo- Everywhere that people are chanting the daimoku, there is actual proof of progress via diverse groups coming together to achieve goals for the greater good—- even in the SGI! That is merely an assertion of the power of daimoku!
The Muddier the swamp, the more beautiful the Lotus Blossom 😊
~ Katie
Katie: Since there are no enlightened common mortals, it seems like there should not be any believers who would even attempt to elevate themselves to the role of judging, condemning and marginalizing other believers.
ReplyDeleteMark: Tell that to the Soka Gakkai the, Shoshinkai, the Kenshokai, the Nichiren Shoshu and the Honmon Butsuryu Shu, 10 or so million adherents who claim that only through their way can one attain Enlightenment in this very body. Soka Gakkai members go so far to claim, "I am a Buddha" and publically, no less. Regarding Enlightenment and the common mortal, Nichiren teaches in The Selection of the Time, one of his Five Major Writings:
I had no sooner uttered these words than the nation was suddenly faced with internal revolt. Since the country has fallen into grave disorder, then, although I may be a mere common mortal of no social standing, so long as I uphold the Lotus Sutra, I deserve to be called the foremost Great Man in all Japan at this time." - SGI Seiten
Are you suggesting that foremost Great Man in all Japan at this time = "perfectly enlightened being" ?
Keep in mind Nichiren's humility and multiple references to attaining Buddhahood in the future"-
Surely, you aren't calling yourself enlightened?
Of course you would feel that way about you Nichiren. You fail to follow him. You pick this and that from the teachings and ignore the rest. What's worse, you criticize and admonish me for promoting disunity while ignoring the source of disunity, the extant Nichiren sects. You are a strange animal, not unlike a bat, you resemble a bird but are not a bird and resemble a mouse but are not a mouse, as Nichiren stated in Repaying Debts of Gratitude.
ReplyDeleteKatie: They could follow Nichiren’s example of addressing believers - in his letters to his followers, but instead they gravitate toward letters where Nichiren discussed the issues facing them , with regard to the Buddha and the LS in medieval Japan , with followers he knew well."
Mark: Yes, unlike the Soka Gakkai leaders, Nichiren was gentle with his followers and forceful with unbelievers (as the Lotus Sutra Chapter 3 teaches). He was a;sp forceful and uncompromising with his indecicive, let alone cowardly "followers". The questions arise, are the Soka Gakkai leaders and members, the Nichiren Shoshu priests and believers, and those other groups mentioned above, their leaders and priests, followers of Nichiren? Can one be considered a follower of Nichiren if they accept some of his teachings while rejecting others? My answer is a resounding NO.
Are they chanting the daimoku?
Isn't daimoku the "excellent medicine" for this age?
The perfect teaching is accessible to ALL of us ignorant people in this age. But you contend that knowledge of doctrines is essential ? Oops! Not so fast.
Nichiren wrote to individuals whom he knew-- his followers! Yet here you are acting like you should take it upon yourself to attack those who embrace the daimoku on the grounds they "lack knowledge of profound doctrines"?
Looks to me like you aren't following Nichiren yourself.
Is Marty your husband Katie?
DeleteNot that fortunate this lifetime , but appreciate the compliment.
Once again, you dodge the salient points upon which you are being admonished and head straight for a person centered angle to diminish the context of the replies”
ReplyDeleteYou claim to be defending the true dharma , but are you tho?
All signs point to your investment in defending yourself while trying to devalue persons who challenged you .
I call this Mappo syndrome.
The only cure is faith in daimoku above and beyond all of the weaknesses we all possess.