Thursday, June 2, 2022

Will have a response to Katie's comment today or tomorrow. See if you can pick out her fallacious assertions?

Since there are no enlightened common mortals, it seems like there should not be any believers who would even attempt to elevate themselves to the role of judging, condemning and marginalizing other believers. Actually Nichiren did teach / warn his followers not to abuse one another. This is our unique struggle/ challenge - to transcend differences and prove the power of Myoho Renge kyo — We cannot accomplish this with nasty, petty infighting - especially on a public forum, lest we want to convey that there is nothing special about embracing/ reciting the daimoku — we can just join the ranks of hypocrites following lesser teachings , who do not practice what they preach ! Creating unity starts with mutual agreement on basic principles. When there are so many issues causing suffering in our country today, every opportunity a believer has to bring the power of Myoho Renge kyo into the forefront of thinking, speaking and acting for the sake of others, is propagating Myoho Renge kyo. Instead of focusing on unity that is based on Myoho renge kyo, this blog focuses on debasing all Nichiren sects and specifically the SGI! Worse, this is accomplished mostly with gossip and scandalous anonymous testimonials ! Rather than develop relationships and conducting civil dialogue , Mark and Greg take cheap shots at long time practitioners with strong faith, like me and Jerry - on this public forum when each of them could engage us personally. They could follow Nichiren’s example of addressing believers - in his letters to his followers, but instead they gravitate toward letters where Nichiren discussed the issues facing them , with regard to the Buddha and the LS in medieval Japan , with followers he knew well. Somehow, Nichiren’s strong opposition to slanderous schools in his time , has become the template for Mark and Greg to attack others who actually embrace and recite Myoho Renge Kyo! None of us is enlightened — it is the teaching, Myoho Renge kyo that is perfect, not us, and certainly not circumstances in the threefold world. It is our behavior as human beings that reflects our faith, not our ability to quote or copy/paste the Gosho and the Lotus Sutra. Awakening or activating Buddha in our lives, is having the Buddha “ teaching us within our own lives “, which means each of us will have a unique experience and path. What is the point of making comparisons or engaging in competition regarding “ benefits” — when the Buddha and Nichiren assured us ALL who recite/ embrace Myoho Renge kyo will attain benefits , the extent of which even the Buddha could not fully describe? I contend that anyone claiming another’s daimoku is “ worthless” is a liar. There is no such thing as worthless daimoku, though there is the tendency for self doubt and criticism of others— because we are common mortals! The only precept is to recite the daimoku- assiduously, so —- wouldn’t encouraging each other to continue no matter what be the ONLY reasonable , true measure of our faith in Myoho Renge kyo? Isn’t that the exemplary human behavior that would best demonstrate the ultimate teaching I began to question the “ practice” of trashing fellow believers, extending to all other Nichiren sects, and attachment to differences , to conspiracy theories, etc., over the past year— and immediately became Mark and Greg’s “ enemy”. As they continue their dogma driven trashing of me, I enjoy renewed faith in the Law. As they continue their dogma driven, personal grudge - fueled attacks on me and other believers, I continue to pray for them to open their eyes and become motivated by the opportunity we have to become beacons for those suffering from the excruciating divisiveness in our country. With or without them , the forward momentum to propagate the daimoku via exemplary human behavior is underway —How could it be otherwise? Unless the Buddha and Nichiren were great liars? No way ! Transcending differences is the challenge — not establishing person based superiority ! Cheers! ~ Katie


  1. If you were a public school teacher, this latest example of your teaching style would get you fired, BTW
    Do you actually believe that refusing to engage on a personal level, then using your blog to mock and\or condemn me, is “ following Nichiren” ?
    Before you rev up to make claims that you are an “ enlightened common mortal”, I suggest you review and reflect upon your tactics here. I am not the SGI, but a devoted believer and practitioner of Nichiren’s teachings for 33 years, whom you have known 6 years- you have my contact info !
    See if you can pick out the difference between open, sincere communication and pompous grandstanding that communicates your weakness as a common mortal.
    ~ Katie

  2. Fallacy: comment will appear on the thread where it was posted; mutual respect and open dialogue is possible on your blog 😉

  3. You keep publishing my comments in separate posts - always bearing my name. Like Chas you are establishing your preferred links to “ identifying “ me via quick Name search in the archives - to reveal your “ take downs “ .— compounded by your moderator tricks to produce your appearance as “ the authority”.
    Cheaters are losers — absolute power corrupts absolutely -
    ~ Katie

  4. Your tactics are challenging. It remains to be seen if you actually post my replies - where they are originally intended 😊
    ~ Katie

  5. Agree, Katie.This is a shameful display of arrogance, by Mark.
    Imagine if Nichiren had played these "reindeer games" with believers he knew personally.
    When I was introduced to the daimoku by a SGI member 40 years ago, I was told: "Myoho REnge Kyo is the title of the Lotus Sutra, the highest teaching preached by Shakyamuni Buddha, propagated by Nichiren". I have yet to meet any SGI member who speaks ill of or in any way disparages the Lotus Sutra, the Buddha or Nichiren.
    Your litany of disparaging remarks about the SGI in this regard are fallacious. It is your inference and your personal opinion you are spewing. It is dead wrong, an outright lie.
    similarly, the way you single out and disparage anyone who challenges your personal opinion is outrageously arrogant.
