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Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Katie and Mark, our discussion continues...

Katie: How is interfaith philosophy and active engagement "evil" in a democratic society still (trying) holding fast to :1) Separation of church and state, and 2) Freedom to worship or disregard religion entirely.

Mark: That is NOT the Lotus Sutra Buddhism of Nichiren, not in a feudal society, not in a democratic societu, not in a republic, not in a socialistic nor a communist society and not in a theistic society period. You are just mistaken.

Katie: In our diverse, pluralistic society it makes no sense to denounce and even call for "banning" of a religion, though as a democracy, we should naturally resist being governed by any specific religious beliefs!

Mark: Open your eyes. As Greg and I have been saying, look at the world, look at our "pleuralistic" society which is on the verge of a civil war. We have already seen internicine strife and Russia's bellicose language is extremely troubling.

Katie: Wondering if Mark thinks incurring negative impressions from other faiths, due to his strategy of ignoring and/or denouncing them is beneficial to anyone?

Mark: Did you forget the poison drum relationship? "Cause them to accept". Whether you believe it or not, WE are the ONLY hope for the world, the gentle, pacific, Bodhisattva of the Earth! Yes, it will take ten thousand years and more but there is absolutely no reason to compromise our faith.

Katie: Does he have friends, associates, family, patients- of other faiths? Does he denounce and condemn them?

Mark: I correct them when they try to convert me, sometimes forcefully and sometimes in a gentle manner. Even those to whom I correct forcefully, come to understand and a few have been convinced to chant the Daimoku.

Katie: Does he exclude them in any way from sharing the the same opportunities as he's grant to a fellow believer?

Mark: What do you mean? I have taken the Hippocratic oath but once the discussion comes to religion, and Jesus (Allah, Yahweh, or Brahma), I tell them that from a Buddhist standpoint, Jesus and all the gods worships us, the common mortals who chants Namu Myoho renge kyo

Katie: Does he prescribe different strategies for himself vs.SGI writ large?

Mark: Not sure what you mean by SGI writ large (obvious?)? As far as different strategies, the strategy I prescribe is "follow the Law and not the person, except for the Buddha and the Succession is through the Scrolls of the Lotus Sutra and Authentic Writings of Nichiren.

Katie: I enjoy warm reactions with family and friends and colleagues- the majority in all category are of other faiths: Christian, Jewish, Muslim, and non Nichiren Buddhism.

Mark It is as natural to enjoy warm reactions as it is for me to experience hateful reactions. After all, I am a disciple of Nichiren Daishonin and the Eternal Buddha (Lotus Sutra).

Katie: I am respected for sure, even treasured by a few, which I find very gratifying due to their having a positive connection to the Law through me.

Mark:Positive or negative, should we enter into discussion about religion or even scientific rationalism, I tell them of the greatness of faith in the Lotus Sutra. I point them to the inability of their faiths to overcome the Three Poisons, of Anger, Avarice, and Stupidity(or foolishness), the fundamental cause of suffering in this Latter Degenerate Age. Wars, the climate crisis, pollution, the destruction of the rain forest, the rapidity of the sixth great extinction, are all due to the inability of the established religions to allow the individual and the collective to suppress the Three Poisons. Likewise, the established religions, their adherents, also give lip service to the dignity and treasure of life, the two overarching concerns of the Lotus Sutra and Lotus Sutra Buddhist.

Most of my friends and acquaintences, however, are not at all religious though they give lip service to their faith in Jesus, especially here in the in the bible belt. My wife, for example, knows the bible much better than almost all of my Christian friends. She teaches them of the reality of their bible and their false faith in Jesus and the greatness of Namu Myoho renge kyo. I too study the non-Buddhist religions, their books, doctrines and principles. All are not in a league with the faith, practice, and Buddhist writings. Those friends who are manifestly unhappy, I will bring up the Daimoku every chance I get.

Katie: Some of us have delved into why we have faith- or how we came to believe the teachings of the religion we practice-- not arguing or becoming dogmatic, or harboring negativity of any kind.

The reality of the world during this time of the Latter Degenerate Age, obviates any positivity towards the established religions. For example, it is impossible for Christians as a whole to follow their Ten Commandments, the TRUE believers of Islam, those who strictly follow the Quran, to be pacific towards the infidels, and the Hindus to refrain from oppressing the Dalits (untouchables). The atheists too have little respect for thye dignity of life (ie: China).

Katie: When the time is ripe for them, I feel certain they will embrace Myoho renge kyo.

Mark: The time is approaching.

Katie:Anyway, think its long overdue to revisit, rethink this "anti-interfaith" rhetoric. And to be current and relevant regarding issues threatening our freedoms , the threat of a minority theocracy gaining power here is what we should worry most about. ~Katie

Mark: One day, far into the future, there will be a compassionate and wise "theocracy" embraced by the majority. Nichiren all but guarantees it since his "compassion is truly great and encompassing.":

The Chou dynasty lasted for seven hundred years because of the propriety and filial devotion of its founder, King Wen. The Ch’in dynasty (221–206 b.c.e.), on the other hand, lasted hardly any time at all, because of the perverse ways of its founder, the First Emperor of the Ch’in. If Nichiren’s compassion is truly great and encompassing, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo will spread for ten thousand years and more, for all eternity, for it has the beneficial power to open the blind eyes of every living being in the country of Japan, and it blocks off the road that leads to the hell of incessant suffering. Its benefit surpasses that of Dengyō and T’ien-t’ai, and is superior to that of Nāgārjuna and Mahākāshyapa.


  1. You do your sage on the mountain thing, and I will continue to be immersed in the present with people who care about the conditions in our society that divide us.
    You do your condemn and lecture thing and I will continue to believe all possess the Buddha nature and express my gratitude for all living beings.
    I will grapple with the here and now while you theorize about thousands of years from now.
    I am still working with the kids who are feeling hopeless in this divided country, victimized by the party spawned by the guy your “ enlightened wisdom “ caused you to promote.
    I am supporting “ march for our lives” and “ Pride weekend” in Boston alongside SGI members and people of different faiths.
    Your theories, essays and lectures aren’t what’s needed — I say this knowing that at long last we have a new generation who rejects your ilk-
    I am full of hope for the future - just because I care for and support those to whom it belongs.
    Actual proof is what matters , as Greg so rightly pointed out. Actual proof is growth as a person, good relationships with our family, friends, co-workers and neighbors- for me it is also what I learn from and what I offer to kids— striving to become a better person, a more capable person. Seeing results!
    Nichiren did not encourage his disciples to strive to be hated or to hate —- reread his guidance to Shijo Kingo.
    ~ Katie

  2. Myoho renge kyo is spreading throughout the world.
    Are you not aware of the profound significance of the number of people who can believe in and recite Myoho renge kyo?
    When will the power of Myoho renge kyo open your eyes ?
    You aren’t talking about the battle for gun control, or the scourge of the Jan 6th insurrection, which actually mirrors the infighting and self interest you focus on amongst Nichiren Buddhists in a non Buddhist country. Why can’t Americans agree on basic common sense restrictions that will save lives ? Why can’t Americans agree on the primacy of truth and protecting our democracy?AND. Why can’t all who chant the daimoku agree that we are ALL worthy of respect ?
    Body= believers . Shadow = society. There is a direct correlation between the fracturing of Unity amongst SGI and NST and the appearance of the horrific , because it bred violence, fracturing of mutual respect, coexistence in a diverse society right here in America.
    I’m calling out your lack of adherence to what unites all believers and your personal campaign to radicalize believers with focus on their lower world instincts to do the most nonBuddhist thing imaginable : blame anyone but themselves for literally anything going bad anywhere !

    1. I talk about what is of utmost imortance to me and what should be to everyone, nuclear weapons and the nuclear meltdowns in Japan and Japan's leadership that cares little to nothing about it's people. All those people who chant the Daimoku in Japan and the horrific state of Japan. See my last three posts for the cause and gregorio's response to you. You apparently are a Johnny come lately, at least, on the internet. I have been promoting unity in the Nichiren Lotus Sutra Sutra community since 1995. The first step is adopting the same Three Great Secret Laws and Three Treasures of Nichiren. It would also be useful for everyone to chant Namu Myoho renge kyo. It is impossible to have unity with some of us chanting Namu Myoho renge kyo and others chanting Nam Myoho renge kyo. Also, it would be better were we all to chant to a copy of a Nichiren Gohonzon, one Eye Opened by Nichiren himself, rather than one Eye Opened by one who may or may not have grasped the essence of the Lotus Sutra, for example, Nichikan or the other High Priests.

    2. Failed deflection from your checkered past as a Trump supporter. Looks like.
      “:Look over here at this shiny object”
      “ Look at me and how I’m hated for owning the libs”
      It’s so sad that you boast about your endeavors and fail to see that what your causes have produced is rather sad.

  3. Greg Romero
    June 7, 2012 ·
    Shared with Public
    "neither non-buddhists nor the enemies of buddhism can destroy the correct teaching of the thus come one, but the buddhas disciples definitely can. as a sutra says, only worms born of the lion's body feed on the lion." (wnd302) who would this be referring to? those who stand up for the real teachings or those that change and go against them for profit and selfish gain?
