Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Miracle "cures" in the Soka Gakkai

"Dr. Kawada [SGI Vice President] treated fourteen people with stage four cancer. Some were not even SGI members. Their doctors had given up on all of them. One even had to be brought in on a stretcher. All fourteen people joined the SGI. They all learned to chant following this guidance of using the right side of their brain to project an image of no cancer in their bodies. In the U.S., last-stage cancer patients are encouraged to draw a white cell eating a cancer cell. Though this has been shown to help, practicing Buddhism has an even bigger impact. In two months the person on the stretcher overcame their cancer. Then his doctor joined. Eventually all fourteen overcame their cancer."

Then why didn't top SGI leaders Shin Yatomi and Pascal Oliveira overcome their Stage IV cancers? Perhaps they weren't important enough to be introduced to Dr. Kawada.

I would be happy to study the medical records of these fourteen people if they insist this report is true,

SGI faith and practice has no power. They lie through their teeth regarding members' miracle "recoveries". Gregorio has practiced for 55 years, more than 20 years with the SGI, and truly was a pioneer climbing up the the SGI ladder to the tune of Headquarters Chief. He knows or knew and was close to the top leadership, including Brad Nixon, Mr. Kikimura, Mr. Williamds, Larry Shaw and others. You would be amazed at how many SGI members and leaders received little or no protectin, dying young or relatively young from a variety of diseases, some emminently curable.


  1. Even more surprising is how many blow hards act and speak as though they understand the workings of the "incomprehensible Mystic Law"
    Beware-- of arrogant false sages ;-)

  2. Could you please show me even one place where Nichiren states the Law is "incomprehensible". Certainly the Law is comprehensible to Buddhas and doesn't every last SGI member state, "I am a Buddha" If you wish to talk about false sages, then you should be talking about them. I believe that you can not find one citation in my seven thousand or so original posts that I state, unlike them them, that I am a Buddha.

  3. “ MYSTIC LAW”
    Unlike you, I don’t broadcast vicious gossip!
    ~ Katie
