Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Soka Gakkai members content themselves with trifles and are delighted by them

"Since the beginningless past, we living beings have never for an instant been separated from this wish-granting jewel of Myoho-renge-kyo. But, befuddled by the wine of ignorance, we fail to realize that it is hidden in the lining of our robes, and we are content with merely a little gain. Though we are living beings who, simply by chanting Namu-myoho-renge-kyo, could quickly attain Buddhahood, we observe petty precepts such as the five precepts or the ten good precepts, being reborn as a result in the realm of heavenly beings, as deities such as Brahmā or Shakra, and thinking that a wonderful accomplishment. Or at times we are born as human beings, becoming rulers of various countries, high ministers, court nobles, or other court officials, and we think ourselves incomparably happy. Thus we content ourselves with such little gains and are delighted with them.

However, the Buddha has taught that these accomplishments are mere prosperity in a dream, a phantom joy, and that we should simply accept and uphold the Lotus Sutra and quickly become Buddhas."

"Today, priests such as Zendo, Honen, and the others, deceive ignorant priests and lay believers by displaying magical skills, thereby destroying faith in the true teaching of the Buddha. The followers of the Shingon sect are especially guilty of stressing benefit only for today, only for this lifetime. They worship various kinds of animals in order to bring about love between male and female, or to gain property, wealth and status. They value such superficial bits of proof. If you think that their teachings are superior to other teachings because of this sort of proof, then you should know they are inferior to even the heretical teachings in India." [Letter to Hoshina Goro Taro Nyudo]

My favorite SGI superficial bits of proof are: The Chanting Grower who found a female marijuana seed; the one who unremarkably overcame Bells Palsy, the SGI You Tuber who gave an experience of overcoming a middle ear infection; and the SGI member who just got out of jail after two and a half years. 

I'm sure getting out of jail is a great benefit too for Christians, Jews, and Muslims. The main thing according to the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren is to have correct faith in the Lotus Sutra and leave the prison of our own minds, don't you think?


  1. Greg escaped jail.. survived heart attack and stroke
    Mark avoids catastrophic accidents while driving crazy ... wins at poker and has stayed alive!
    Every single individual who embracers and recites daimoku will tell you why they continue...
    there is no distinction amongst benefits that the Buddha Himself said He could never fully describe.
    Those who employ these tactics to appear superior while degrading other believers are to be pitied, admonished and left strictly alone should they fail to correct their heinous behavior.

    1. Is remaining alive after seven years and being vital with abundant joy, while 99 or more out of 100 with the same illness are dead within five years and can do nothing but force themselves to eat and sleep, a trifle? Is surviving and thriving after a massive heart attack and stroke, while most other family members are dead by the age of 50, a trifle. Wake up and see the miniscule benefit of most SGI members at the majority of their meetings.
