Monday, June 6, 2022

The leaders and priests of the Soka Gakkai, the Nichiren Shoshu, and the Nichiren Shu, are evil men as described by Nichiren:

"These evil men will read and recite this sutra, but they will ignore and put aside the profound and vital principles that the Thus Come One has expounded in it and replace them with ornate rhetoric and meaningless talk. They will tear off the first part of the sutra and stick it on at the end, tear off the end and put it at the beginning, put the end and the beginning in the middle and the middle at the beginning or the end. You must understand that these evil monks are the companions of the devil.” - The Opening of the Eyes.

The examples are many. One vital principle of Namu Myoho renge kyo is the identity of the Original Eternal True Buddha as Shakyamuni Buddha of the Juryo Chapter of the Lotus Sutra.  Some of those mentioned evil men state that the Original, Eternal True Buddha is Nichiren. Others utilize ornate rhetoric to identify that Buddha as "SGI-Buddha". Another vital principle of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren is the "exclusive faith and practice of the Lotus Sutra."  According to Chapter 3 of the Lotus Sutra, mere disbelief in the Lotus Sutra ("Myoho renge kyo"), destines one to hell. Likewise, Nichiren reveals the Lotus Sutra principle of the "comparative Myo", whereby the provisional teachings of the Buddha AND the non-Buddhist teachings are to be distinguished as inferior to the Lotus Sutra. This obviates the SGI's, Nichiren Shu's, and HBS's evil practice of interfaith. Along this line, is the vital principle of the four Dictums explicated by Nichiren to explain the evils of Zen, True Word. Pure Land, and the Precept School. However, both Ikeda/SGI and the Nichiren Shu have altered the Four Dictums through innate rhetoric. Apparently this was done to allow for their interfaith practices and even as recognition of the validity of these provisional schools and their practices. 


  1. Semantics. Thought police . Hyperbolic rhetoric. Mark, you are running afoul of the principles of civil discourse and meaningful dialogue. I get that you want all detractors of your hell fire message to disappear, which seems to happen with regularity on your blog so far as I have seen in the archives. But you cannot disappear us literally . We will continue our individual focused development and tackle the problems facing our youth while you sit at your computer alienating engaged Buddhists .
    To each his own. We learn from our lives and fortunately naturally gravitate away from toxic people . I see that you appear proud of your failures to find common ground or even treat your “ enemies” with respect. When your “enemies” are fellow believers it says everything about where your mind is at. No doubt that your own life will reflect back to you what you need to learn. I say this with utmost confidence and compassion based on my 40plus years practicing. The daimoku of millions permeates all things. I conclude we’ve got a long ways to go purifying our own lives and transforming so much darkness - let’s keep doing our best based on daimoku.

  2. How is interfaith philosophy and active engagement "evil" in a democratic society still (trying) holding fast to :1) Separation of church and state, and 2) Freedom to worship or disregard religion entirely?
    In our diverse, pluralistic society it makes no sense to denounce and even call for "banning" of a religion, though as a democracy, we should naturally resist being governed by any specific religious beliefs!
    Wondering if Mark thinks incurring negative impressions from other faiths, due to his strategy of ignoring and/or denouncing them is beneficial to anyone? Does he have friends, associates, family, patients- of other faiths? Does he denounce and condemn them? Does he exclude them in any way from sharing the the same opportunities as he's grant to a fellow believer? Does he prescribe different strategies for himself vs. SGI writ large?
    I enjoy warm reactions with family and friends and colleagues- the majority in all category are of other faiths: Christian, Jewish, Muslim, and non Nichiren Buddhism. I am respected for sure, even treasured by a few, which I find very gratifying due to their having a positive connection to the Law through me. Some of us have delved into why we have faith- or how we came to believe the teachings of the religion we practice-- not arguing or becoming dogmatic, or harboring negativity of any kind. When the time is ripe for them, I fell certain they will embrace myoho renge kyo.
    Anyway, think its long overdue to revisit, rethink this "anti-interfaith" rhetoric. And to be current and relevant regarding issues threatening our freedoms , the threat of a minority theocracy gaining power here is what we should worry most about.

    1. See post Katie and Mark, our discussion continues...

    2. Can’t hardly wait 😂
