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Tuesday, June 14, 2022

"You must be insane, we DON'T worship President Ikeda.



  1. Looks like you have a fetish , dear fellow.displaying your collection of what most SGI members never see. 😂😂😂😂😂😅😂😂😂😂😅😅

  2. Ikeda is from a long line American and Japanese sociopathic politicians and tv preachers. Total disregard for all people. Pat Robertson comes to mind. The sanctimonious racist, devil Billy Graham and His son.
    The neocon, lunatics are all in, on Ukraine. Neocon, semi-fascist, neoliberal, war-monger-democrats and, that husk of a dead cockroach, Biden.. Doj, fwat attorney general-garland, is in Ukraine talking about Russian war crimes. Just an abomination. Its so deranged, that it is barely comprehendable. Garland the fool, is in Ukraine, instead of putting trump in jail. Oh well. When the Nazi, republicans win in 2022 and 2024, they will probably drag the old crew of blue dog democrats, through the streets and draw and quarter them. That includes, Kamala harris,
    clyburn, pelosi, feinstien, the Clintons , biden Schumer etc etc. The extremists, will do it this time. They really wanted to jan 6, 2020. What a bunch of demented imbeciles, these old elitist, sociopathic-goons are. . These old, whore and jiggalo democrats.

    There will probably be a major nuke meltdown or detonation, in Europe and or florida, on the horizon this year. The wildfires are just beginning in europe.
