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Wednesday, November 30, 2022

"Secular matters are the entirety of Buddhism" - Nichiren

"When the Great Teacher Miao-lo compared these passages with the one from the sixth volume of the Lotus Sutra that reads, “No worldly affairs of life or work are ever contrary to the true reality, he revealed their meaning and pointed out that although the first two sutras are profound, since their meaning is still shallow and fails to approach that of the Lotus Sutra, they relate secular matters in terms of Buddhism, whereas the Lotus Sutra explains that in the end secular matters are the entirety of Buddhism." - The Gift of Rice


  1. Katie wants to be forgiven for her past support of the Eagle Peak blog but won't forgive me for the tiniest support of one or two of Donald Trump's programs (and despite a remonstration of him on Twitter). If you want to see what I say is true, look up Donald Trump on the blog. Apparently I changed for the better and she changed for the worst.

  2. I have not asked for forgiveness for making an error! Memory serves me well and it is here somewhere in the archives from 2016, that you very clearly supported Donald Trump as the candidate you believed should win the presidency of our country; that you openly disparaged Hillary Clinton and mocked me for supporting her. Have you asked my forgiveness for that? Well, you have yet to actually acknowledge what you said and the meaning of your own words.
    I am accountable and responsible for my own actions and I have come to realize that it is very difficult to actually know the heart of another person until there is some kind of crisis that arises. Everything that led me to question and then doubt your premise here, came straight from study and daimoku. If Greg happens to read this, he will recall that was the main thing we had in common--- daimoku and study when confronted with an agonizing ordeal or feeling confused and/or miserable. Greg should know that would be my only recourse when unforeseen difficulties arise. That is exactly how I dealt with his sudden coldness and then shunning me. That is what I learned to do from the leaders in NSA that supported me at the beginning of my practice-- one in particular, a Japanese woman, Mrs. Hicks of Washington D.C. who chanted hours with me my first year of practice and always reminded me how fortunate I was to be able to chant daimoku.
    Kudos, Mark for deciding to confront some of Trump's evil, now how are you faring with understanding how you could have been so duped by him? And how are you feeling about attacking me because I asked you to be accountable for your error in the first place?
    ~Katie Higgins

    1. The same way you were duped by my blog, I was duped by one or two of Trumps programs. Either way, you are making a mountain out of a mole hill. Post my words in support of Trump, then we can talk. BTW, you are lying when saying I supported the barbarian Putin and his invasion. Still, I can imagine what could have been a more favorable outcome to this war. Both sides are Orthodox Christians who support war. Even the provisional Buddhist country, Sri Lanka never supports any war or didn't you read the post about Sri Lanka's proposals for ending this war and avoiding war in general. However, even were someone try to kill you, I would defend you with my life, "not begrudging my life" and "not sparing my bodily life.", thus exchanging rubble for gems.

    2. Anyone who even fir a nano second, entertained the notion trump should be president is “ suspect “ in my opinion. Apparently leaving SGI didn’t fix your psychological problems!

    3. Trump's programs? Do tell, or rather, please elaborate.
      I wasn't so much duped by you as I was seeking understanding for contradictions I encountered in SGI-- even between Ikeda's guidance and leaders' behavior. Your take, as I have learned and realized through my own faith , study and practice, is patently wrong. Based on the very essential and basic teachings, your take is wrong. I ascribe to growing and developing wisdom as actual proof of correct faith-- and find nothing of the sort coming from you. Your rigid acrimonious harangues haven't changed a bit - nor have you shown even a modicum of capacity to self- reflect, much less demonstrate common courtesy and human decency towards your "critics". Not even close to Nichiren, Mark, in fact your attitude is diametrically opposed to Nichiren.

  3. your conclusion wreaks of arrogance. not remorse.

    1. You resort to Ad Hominem again. The same why you are duped by the Soka Gakkai, ignorance and Fundamental Darkness. I changed but you remain under the influence of the devil of the Sixth Heaven. I have nothing but pity for you.

    2. not ad hominem , a conclusion.
      really, you should focus on the message and not your go to attacks on the messenger .

  4. If you are going to address me this way, the least you can do is post my reply , what are you afraid of?~Katie

  5. I'm quaking in my shoes, with diarrhea and piss soiling my clothes.

  6. You really are a liar about supporting Trump for president. Find it. I thought a few of his programs, for example, as the buddha taught in the Dharani Sutra, abortion is non-Buddhist and restricting millions of immigrants from coming here was a good idea in this terror and crime infested country. I tried to convert him to Namu Myoho renge kyo. I also attempted to convert Joe Biden and that week, he mentioned "mantra". I support many of Biden's programs but not all. Anyway, I hope Trump is headed to prison for stealing Secret, Top Secret, and Classified diocuments and for being a corrupt businessman, i hope he is fined more than the $250,000,000.00 already awarded. Don't know if he will go to jail for this or Jan 6???

  7. You promoted him. Trashed Hillary. Mocked me and blew off Greg when we called you out-on n this forum and privately. You and I spoke on the phone after he took office -- you actually said neither you or Nancy has an issue with "separating kids from mothers at the border". "Muslim ban"-- even throwing paper towels to victims of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico ! Why? Because Trump was "great for the economy". The definition of a human life is not met until birth/breath! So, go on with your nonsense about something the Buddha NEVER addressed, but you claim to just KNOW, showing zero respect for the fact that it is women not men who conceive, carry and birth children. Control over our own bodies is just unthinkable to you. Actually medical/health matters are personal or should be. New concept for you to ponder, doc.
    You even sound like Trump-- the way you describe this country- living in the middle of nowhere, btw- and your nonstop fear mongering and grievance- based rhetoric. I asked you to be accountable for supporting him 2 years ago-- and immediately you attacked me! Hung up on me before the 2020 election and told Greg Biden was weak; posted how your wife leaned toward Trump- for his "anti abortion" crap! Well, I now understand perfectly how "off" you are. Not WERE, but ARE! .Would be happy to share my thoughts directly with you, but you lack the courage to talk with anyone who knows what a phony you are-- or so I now believe.
    The "sage" who hasn't a single prediction for the future wrought by Trump- ? --even what will happen TO Trump when he is held accountable to the rule of law.? Don't have to be a sage to figure that one out.

  8. why have you been silent about the coup Trump almost pulled off ?
    how about his infighting a violent insurrection then standing idly by as lives were in danger in our Nation’s Capitol ?
    why nothing about how well established Trumps corrupt and criminal behavior were part of his “:record” before he announced his run in 2015?
    the greatest threat to our democracy since the civil war is what Trump accomplished and you are only talking about the botched pandemic response , which cost over 100,000 lives - at least and classified documents he stole and lied about .
    secular matters in this country require all Nichiren Buddhists to speak out and take action to preserve our democracy imo.
    found very insightful discussion on shoju and shakubuku on dharma wheel from 2014
    I recommend that forum for an example of civil productive discourse on the teachings and secular issues .:

  9. Mark doesn't see his error with judging Trump as " the preferable candidate for POTUS in 2016" as any big deal. I, on the other hand, spent months chanting and studying to come to terms with having bought into his "blame sgi" for every negative thing going on anywhere. And I have not yet felt that I have completely purified my life from having been duped by him. Since I had personal contact with him several times, I make a point of demonstrating for him what one does when they have an issue or concern about a fellow believer's behavior or practice. He won't communicate in any venue but his blog. It's a challenge I accept, to make my case with and about him according to the playing field he controls. ~Katie

    What every rational person already knew about the corrupt narcissist, Trump.

  11. Right. The fact that Mark wants a pass for his severely inaccurate perceptions of Trump is almost laughable. But like Trump himself, Mark keeps posting “ shiny objects” to detract from his inability to realize the significance of this error. Actually he continues to make glaring errors of perception and adopts aggressive personal defenses by condemning his critics. If this weren’t the norm in our politics now, it would be more difficult to notice Marks arrogance and weak character . ~ Katie
