Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Apparently to Nichiren, not only chanting the Lotus Sutra but Sutra and doctrinal study are important: Two translations of a passage from the Opening of the Eyes

Translation of passage 1.

"The seventh volume of On “Great Concentration and Insight” states: “‘Priests who concentrate on the written word’ refers to men who gain no inner insight or understanding through meditation, but concern themselves only with characteristics of the doctrine. ‘Zen masters who concentrate on practice’ refers to men who do not learn how to attain the truth and the corresponding wisdom, but fix their minds on the mere techniques of breath control. Theirs is the kind of [non-Buddhist] meditation that fundamentally still retains outflows. ‘Some Zen masters give all their attention to meditation alone’ means that, for the sake of discussion, T’ien-t’ai gives them a certain degree of recognition, but from a stricter viewpoint they lack both insight and understanding. The Zen men in the world today value only meditation [as the way to realize the truth] and have no familiarity with doctrinal teachings. In relying upon meditation alone, they interpret the sutras in their own way. They put together the eight errors and the eight winds, and talk about the Buddha as being sixteen feet in height. They lump together the five components and the three poisons, and call them the eight errors. They equate the six sense organs with the six transcendental powers, and the four elements with the four noble truths. To interpret the sutras in such an arbitrary manner is to be guilty of the greatest falsehood. Such nonsense is not even worth discussing.”

"Monks who study only the writings refer to those who are concerned only with the scholastic aspects without understanding the true meaning of the scriptures through wisdom; and Zen monks who are concerned only withformality refer to those who are concerned with the conventions of meditation without firmly grasping the fundamentals. This is the same as the meditation of Brahmans, who will never gain complete freedom from delusions and evil passions. T'ien-t'ai's statement that some Zen monks concentrate only on meditation is an understatement sypathetic to them. In actuality, they lack both practice in meditation as well as wisdom to understand the doctrine. Those who practice Zen consider only the meditation important and pay little attention to the study of doctrines. They interpretate sutras from the viewpoint of meditation in such an absurd way as to say that the eight-fold Evil Path and the Eight Winds make the sixteen-feet tall Buddha, and the Five Elements of all existences and the Three Poisons of greed, anger, and stupidity make the Eight-fold Evil Path. They confuse the six sensory organs with the Six superhuman Powers, or confuste the basic elements of the material world (earth, water, fire, and wind) with the Four Noble Truths. That such interpretations of the sutras are the worst of all is beyond question, an absurdity not worthy of discussion."

Please remember, The Opening of the Eyes was entrusted to a layman, Shijo Kingo. To me Soka Gakkai members remind me more of Zen Buddhists than Nichiren Lotus Sutra Buddhists because few of them can intelligently discuss the teachings.


  1. for civil discussion of the teachings ,
    please see dharma wheel, a forum moderated by a respect worthy believer

    1. Queequeg is no longer a Nichiren Buddhist. He practices Tentai Buddhism.shouldn't a Nichiren Buddhist be a moderator on a Nichiren forum? Narwhal is SGI. Narwhal has disrespected Minobu and I on a number of occassions.

    2. working out differences and contradictions is only possible with civil discourse . something you’ve yet to master. something Nichiren accomplished with aplomb

  2. Converting a whole nation of heretical Buddhists was a daunting task. Yes, study was a main focus but that was the means for having the Japanese people accept and chant Myoho Renge Kyo. I believe the essential phrase, teaching incorporates everything, specifically, the name, entity , etc. of the Lotus Sutra , according to Nichiren. But my faith developed simply from chanting the daimoku. Faith in the teaching led me to believe snd revere Nichiren. In medieval Japan , study and debate were the customary practices for converting “Buddhists “ to the Lotus Sutra and revering Shakyamuni. Chanting Myoho Renge Kyo , one is simultaneously revering both!
    The perfect teaching .
    ~ Katie

    1. unless one goes against the true intent. or follow a bad leader.

  3. Correct, In medieval Japan , study and debate were the customary practices for converting “Buddhists “ to the Lotus Sutra and revering Shakyamuni." There are ~ 315,000,000 provisional Buddhists and approximatley 10,000,000 Soka Gakkai and Nichiren Shoshu Buddhists.There are approx. 25,000,000 Nichiren Lotus Sutra Buddhists. It is still Mappo and will be for a long time. Debate is still the gold standard for converting the masses of provisional Buddhists, Soka Gakkai, and Nichiren Shoshu. That I neither have the influence nor power to convert the masses of beings will be remedied in lifetimes to come. (Because no prayer goes unanswered).

    1. Yet, religious debate is not the norm in our culture, as it was in medieval times in Japan and China. Again, knowing the country and the culture is crucial to “conversion”. One who lacks wisdom and compassion for “ the people” won’t succeed at any type of “ conversion”. Your methods in our culture resemble “ conversion therapy” for the LGBTQ community!!! You call your campaign “ poison drum “? I see it as a detriment because your “ means” disrespects the people and your “ends” appear rooted in your personal attainment of enlightenment, which is the exact opposite of the daimoku Nichiren claimed he chanted . ~ Katie

  4. the heretical buddhists nichiren sought to convert were adverse to the daimoku as teaching and practice. ur off base with your condemnation of anyone who chants myoho renge kyo. not so well studied if you missed that doc.

    1. You are no better than SGI who accepts only what resonates with them and who ignores the rest.

    2. while you summarily dismiss the profound meaning of the *perfect teaching*
      myoho functions within our lives- as a teacher
      your dribble is sorely lacking in faith in what the buddha imparted on his death bed

    3. Why is Myoho Renge Kyo both perfect and essential?
      It is accessible to all.
      The Buddha and the Lotus Sutra/Daimoku are one and the same.
      So, tell me how anyone chanting the daimoku is not resonating with the Buddha and benefitting from the Buddha in their minds?
      You cannot be anyone's judge by virtue of your own distorted mappo perceptions.

  5. Namu Myoho Renge Kyo.
