Thursday, December 8, 2022

The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists (1/20/22) warned, “The doorstep of doom is no place to loiter.” The sane alternative to war—and the humane thing to do—would be to close the door on war, lock it, and throw away the key.

"Even in the face of the lack of reasoned nuclear war reporting in corporate media, nearly 60% of Americans support diplomatic efforts to end the war in Ukraine “as soon as possible,” even if that means Ukraine having to make concessions to Russia. As Alfred de Zaya, former UN independent expert on the promotion of a democratic and equitable international order, tweeted:

If the US were a functioning democracy, US citizens would be asked whether they want billions of dollars to be given to Ukraine for war, or whether they would prefer promoting mediation with a view to a ceasefire and sustainable peace.

Corporate media are failing democracy, and failing to disclose our current, stark choice between war on the one hand and life and the planet on the other. They speak in a loud voice that shouts for more war. In doing so, they censor and poison public discourse and position Americans as targets of propaganda—the denizens of empire—instead of citizen participants in a democracy who determine their own fates."

And some people I know are bamboozled by the propaganda. A pity, a shame.


  1. Putin needs to leave. Full stop. Hopefully he’ll be deposed by the growing number of Russians who have had enough of him.
    Sad to see such myopic perceptions from a Nichiren Buddhist, but it’s become increasingly clear how mark has destroyed his mind.

    1. Zelinskyy stated 1). He will not talk until Putin is deposed. 2). He will not talk until Russia leaves Crimea.

    2. The president of the sovereign nation attacked byPutin without provocation has my full support. President Zelensky speaks for the people who elected him. I imagine you cannot begin to understand the gravity of Putin’s latest war crimes beginning February 24th this year ? Victory for Ukraine is a victory for democracy and this one will send a message to the tyrants who share his blood thirsty ambitions .
      ~ Katie

    3. Unfortunately Putin may be succeeded by Prighozin or Medvedev who are equally or greater barbaric than he. Let us pray for a type of bolshevic revolution from the bottom up.Navalney will not live long enough to succeed Putin.

  2. .......A.LINCOLN needed a "killer".....and finally, he found one in US Grant......Bobby Lee beat him in every engagement, but, Grant never crossed back across the Potomac to lick his sir, he followed Bobby, battle after battle, back to Richmond....and waited to intercept his of the most compelling questions in history is whether Lincoln should have just let the South leave the Union. He was asked if he knew it would cost 600,0000 lives, would he do it again.....he answered -"Yes." Mark, I'm thinking that if you and I had the power of decision of the aforementioned, and likewise, to fight the Russians in lieu of succumbing - the loss of life and treasure, the suffering of it's people would have been just too daunting....for eventually, slavery would have met it's demise, and Ukraine would either have peacefully assimilated or gained it's Independence. But now, I see no resolution for peace........Russia will never agree to reparations for it's destruction and, the world will not forgive War Crimes. This evil must now be vanquished once and for all. Heaven, Buddha, god anyone and everyone - Help Us!.

    1. wouldn’t want you and/or mark in any position of power.

    2. " do it again.....he answered -"Yes." Mark, I'm thinking that if you and I had the power of decision of the aforementioned, and likewise, to fight the Russians in lieu of succumbing - the loss of life and treasure, the suffering of it's people would have been just too daunting....for eventually, slavery would have met it's demise, and Ukraine would either have peacefully assimilated or gained it's Independence."

      If you had "the power of decision", it is clear that the hearts and minds of the people are of no concern to you; that you believe you should decide for them "what their lives mean to them". That's the difference between you guys, Lincoln and Zelensky- They acknowledged what "servant of the people" means. You two prefer the role of "ruler over the people"-- but is that truly a "Buddhist" attitude simply because "war" is averted? It seems like neither of you respects democracy or the people who have fought and died for it. Lincoln and Zelensky listened to "the people", carefully and thoughtfully. The Civil War was no more Lincoln's war than Zelensky's war is against Russia now. Both were resonding to the "will of good people who cherish fundamental human rights and freedoms. " .
      Myoho Renge Kyo permeates all phenomena-- and the righteousness of "war" is closely connected to "the cause". Capitulating to "Jefferson Davis or Putin" is condoning their inhumanity", and that is the reality of yours and Mark's weak- kneed positions
      Zelensky did not flee Kyiv-- or Ukraine. He has stood his ground tho specifically targeted and threatened by Putin at the onset of the unprovoked, unjust, invasion of his country. One might say Lincoln put himself in harms way by standing firm against those already engaged in the commission of human atrocities in the South. Aren't you really saying you don't want to die in a battle that can be averted by capitulating to evil?Are you really so concerned about "the people" who will and have died at the hands of thugs like Putin? You really believe that "they are lost/destroyed"? I don't. I believe in the eternity of life as taught by the Buddha. It matters what one gives their life for; what one is willing to die for; how one lives and how one dies. From the perspective of my faith, I worry more about you two and what you'd do "with the power to decide" the fate of "the people".
      What if Nichiren had been persuaded to recant and thereby avoid the threats to his life? Would you have urged him on, or tried to persuade him to do whateer was necessary to avoid persecution and threats to his life?
      "All matters of life and work are Buddhism/Lotus Sutra". Maybe you should ponder for a bit what that means in terms of "war"? And perhaps consider that neither of you is being called upon to participate in any way to protect and defend Ukrainians. You merely have the "power to decide" how you think and speak" about this horrific example of Putin's evil. Reread letters Nichiren wrote to Shijo Kingo- none urge him to turn in his sword and retire from his position as a samurai. and his "guidance" for the mother of another samurai who was decease? Did Nichren opine on the "evil of being a warrior"? .
      Are we without the means to positively impact the lives of everyone on Earth-- living and dead? I do not feel powerless, hopeless or afraid. I chant Myoho Renge Kyo, with strong faith and tons of lived experience standing up to evil; grew up in a military family. Men are the creators of war- women and children, the innocent victims of this heinous expression of Patriarchal BS.
      Anyway, if you don't think you have power or that defending against evil with equal force is non-Buddhist, then I have to say, it's hard to believe either of you actually understands Nichiren or the Lotus Sutra. ~Katie

    3. ......Part 1: "A. Lincoln needed a "killer" then Katie, are you submitting your resume may for the job?, no Katie, don't ask someone else to generalship strategy and dispatching troops to the, you do it! It is one thing to bare arms and defend against the murderers of civilians, and yet another to send your fellow countrymen into battle. I'm currently in the thick of it reading Shelby Foote's three volume - The Civil War, A fully empathize, Google: wiki: Pickett's Charge.....and also wiki "Battle of Cold Harbor" I will elaborate further on these two slaughter house failures by the two "Killers" who thought - "if only I could break them here and now, I could end the war early" -mentality.....which every General has faced, some have decided successfully, and others not so....could you live with yourself Katie for a failed attempt?...Part Two to follow.

    4. Hey there Maxwell. Why would I submit my resume for a male dominated fiasco? I am a nurse, BTW. I defend and advocate for vulnerable kids everyday where most of the abuse of them in our society belongs to your gender and mark's political/secular ideology.
      Most all of the males in my family went to war- and none complained about their sacrifice.

  3. People who want peace, don't hate Katie or sgi. Having a personality cult, is like an addiction, it numbs people to compassion and empathy. Ideology and God head worship is similar. Open your heart Katie and you will be more compassionate and you will be less judgemental. Those of us who have been to Ukraine have seen both sides. Putin is no saint, but this insane war needs to end before the demons of genocide, destroy the world. Why are the warmongers so against negotiating peace?

    1. As Nichiren, "my only hatred is for slander of the Lotus Sutra".

    2. First off, I’m not a war monger. You would find no one who is close to me who would say my heart is “ closed”. I’ve put my livelihood on the line to stand up for vulnerable children. Maybe you mistake courage and resolve to protect others as “ war mongering”? I feel confident in my perceptions based on faith in Myoho Renge Kyo. Advocating for Putin’s unequivocal defeat is my position. Joining so many others who want to see an end to this war ASAP, such is my wholehearted daily prayer. Defeat Putin and those who would emulate him.
      Mark’s hatred for believers who don’t ascribe to his defamation campaign is well documented. It may be some time , or next lifetime , before he grasps the meaning of “ slander of Myoho Renge Kyo”
      ~ Katie

    3. Katie, so good to hear from you, and please continue to engage here for what are revealing and necessary exchanges among two of the "heavy weights" of Nichiren independent believers......that the two of you are so heavily steeped in 'scripture'....and yet, so glaringly divergent in it's execution, is pure intellectual Valhalla for the hungry readership seeking anything Nichiren. Additionally I may add, Mark welcomes the challenge of debate and fears not to cross swords with anyone - the viewership here the benefactor. I will end this one statement here, but immediately respond to your reply to my "A. Lincoln " comment......If you don't respond in kind, I will assume that you didn't go back and re-visit this post....if that would be the case, i will catch-up with you in a future and fresh post.....howz dat?

  4. KENDO
    More proof that Biden shouldn't be president, he's unfit and should never run again.
    US Set To Send Ukraine Patriot Missiles In Huge Escalation
    Biden has so far continued the foreign policy of Trump and his neoconservatives, with a war in Yemen and interventions all over the world.
    Biden  continues to lie about the economy, saying prices have gone down and wages gone up
    Actually, prices have increased faster than wages for a record 20 consecutive months.
    Ask any millenials or gen z what's going on

    Both Biden and Trump are awful. Neither one should be president ever again.

    Un nato stooges, recycling the same lies about Russia that they did about Libya before they bombed it into the stone age and destroyed it.

    Gaddafis troops issued  viagra to rape rebel women

    Russian troops issued viagra to rape Ukrainian women

  5. You actually made the case for our continued support of Ukraine’s defense against Putin.
    Cheers !
