Ukraine is a hellish land. When chanting the Daimoku imagine the suffering of the people: Corpses lining the cold dark streets, the few remaining elderly freezing, forced to cook in the open and to shiver throughout the night; the asthmatics unable to use their nebulizers; the apneics without their bipap machines; the men, women, and children on dialysis who will die within two weeks without their treatments; the hospitals' generators out of diesal fuel, those on respirators certain to die quickly, the surgeons without barely enough light nor clean instruments to operate; PTSD rampant due to the incessant bombing; a lack of safe housing; little water to satiate thirste, to bathe, to brush one's teeth, or to flush the toilets; children unable to go to school with no computers, no safe libraries, and parents too preoccupied with staying alive to teach the students.
The more the war expands into Russia, the more missiles fired into Ukraine. The targets for the most part are the remaining citizens and infrastructure. Meanwhile, the Russian army is playing possum, regrouping and rebuilding its military for their spring offensive. Both Zelinskyy and Putin are refusing to negotiate an end to the conflict. For now the NATO countries are behind the war effort but it has been a long cold winter in Germany, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Czechoslavakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, Denmark, and the Netherlands, to name a few. Our Republican party too is becoming weary of the war and the many billions of taxpayer monies needed to fund the war.
The peace camp in Europe is growing while the justice camp (punishing Russia) is shrinking, unfortunately, not on the Eagle Peak blog with some of our readers asserting that a justice (vendetta) solution os preferible to a diplomatic solution.
Namu Myoho renge kyo
Namu Myoho renge kyo
Namu Myoho renge kyo
destroying the bases where missiles are being launched into civilian areas and infrastructure in Ukraine just makes sense.
ReplyDeletePunishing Russia?
ReplyDeleteWell , first the Russians must be defeated : made an example of!
Geneva can deal with the war crimes , and yes there should be punishment/ deterrence from invading and terrorizing sovereign nations for “ personal gain “.
Republicans never become weary of war that's just crap. Think Nixon and Vietnam. Bush's and Iraq-Afghanistan the middle east. They tried to start ww3 wth China in 2017 and surely will when the corporate democrats finally let them have power. Republicans are a minority party. This is more media bs. Repuklicans are slavishly beholden to their greedy military contractor donor class. Why do people print such crap. They are fascists. War is a fascist fetish.
ReplyDeleteYou may be right. especially all the money they are making owning Ratheon and Lockhead Martin stocks. Lets also remember how nmuch money SGI is making holding Mitsubishi (Heavy Industrials) stocks. They aren't ethical enough to divest. So much for the behavior of the Buddha.
DeleteCan’t you just focus on the specifics of the atrocities committed today by Putin ? When I read the macho man rhetoric here pontificating about everything but the simple fact that war itself is a “ man thing”:and not even grappling with the fact that defending against it is different than waging it. Well, I see why the rise of women in positions of power is cause for hope and celebration ! ~Katie
ReplyDeleteinteresting that you don't delineate between "defensive" acts of war and "war crimes".
also find it interesting that you think support for Ukraine is fading, while russian soldiers and russian people are increasingly protesting Putin's war and calling for his removal! read today that "insider" reported Putin has planned emergency escape to South America "just in case"... Diplomacy with putin ? surely you jest.
IF, your not going to display my commentary from the 9th, then how easy it is for you to wave a wishful, magic wand, and pull the stop lever......No, no, no,, you put forth all the wisdom that your so many years of correct practice should have acquired.....speak now to the world, for whom else has practiced as diligently?......we are looking to tell us all, what are your terms, your solutions, that each should abide by......and then, let your readership weigh in on the chances of success that you have conjured.....of course, you know Putin, .....and you have already declared Zelinskyy to be evil...that should make it easy for you.
ReplyDeleteI just got to it today. All is displayed. I dont owe you a thing, even were I not to publish your often nasty comments.
DeleteWhoever commented above that “ you don’t owe a thing to “ reassures me of the growing number of opponents you have— and have yet to respond respectfully to. You should reflect on Nichiren’s behavior, Mark. When I do I realize you aren’t really so confident in your positions , otherwise you would not continue to attack messengers and avoid the messages ! Yours is a person centered practice, you being the one person above reproach, and supporter of only those who agree with you. A fairly good example of Trumpian logic! ~Katie
Deletedefensive, beligerant marko loco! show us the gosho where nichiren addresses any of his opponents with the same low life demeanor you show here. you can't, because nichiren addressed others with respect, note: you are responding to opponents of your own writings. showing yourself to be judgemental, intolerant, arrogant and base minded.
DeleteYou know nothing of Nichiren. OK, I will call you "a bunch of jackals" or "dogs barking at a lion"... Now go away or study the Gosho before you speak.
DeleteYou can't discuss the posts nor the teachings so you resort to "marco loco". Nichiren teaches: "...They twist what is lofty and force it into a mean context; they destroy what is exalted and drag it down among the base, striving to put the two on an equal level.”
DeleteOn “Great Concentration and Insight” comments on this passage as follows: “Though they are monks, they destroy the teachings of Buddhism. Some break the precepts and return to lay life, as Wei Yüan-sung did. Then, as laymen, they work to destroy the teachings of Buddhism. Men of this kind steal and usurp the correct teachings of Buddhism and use them to supplement and bolster the erroneous writings."
Can't you deferentiate between response to your words and Nichirens?
ReplyDeleteWhy do you use Nichiren's words to justify your beligerent speech?
ReplyDeleteMark RogowDecember 24, 2022 at 12:26 AM
You know nothing of Nichiren. OK, I will call you "a bunch of jackals" or "dogs barking at a lion"... Now go away or study the Gosho before you speak.
you sound nothing like nichiren
so i'll call you a -- bag 'o wind?
my perspective is from studying the gosho btw.
chanting daimoku is my practice
maybe that upsets you?