Monday, January 30, 2023

Some thoughts


SGI by Anonymous:

May I also add that for a bunch of self-described Buddhists, SGI has to be some of the most emotionally unhinged people to be around. I took it upon myself to get a little background on the destruction of the Shohondo and presented some of the theories floating around and SGI members lost their minds. Remember the key word here is "theory" but anything that didn't conform the official SGI "fact"...they accosted me like I supported Al Qaeda, dog fighting or drowning babies - yes, that level of hostility.

Then again there is not much going on in the SGI mind studies department that suggest controlling ones emotions. I really could give less than a damn about what Ikeda has to say about anything for the actions of his minions speaks volume.

I am criticized for pointing out the lack of protection of SGI members such as Shin Yatomi but when SGI points out the same about non-SGI, not a peep. For example:

"I have a group picture next to my butsudan, taken at Sessen-bo with Sensei in 1970. Among the people in the picture is Genjiro Fukushima, who later became a vice president of the SGI. Then about 20 years ago he betrayed Sensei and the SGI and worked to stop the flow of Kosen-Rufu. He was the lay leader of the Hodo-in temple in Tokyo, until his death by cancer on August 8th of this year.

Eyewitness accounts of his open-casket funeral were that they found it impossible to close his eyes, cancer had completely consumed his body, and his death mask was a hideous expression of wide-eyed, agonized terror, difficult to view." -- Dick "Wiley bad" Powell proud SGI member

I have to wonder how those SGI members who were either run over by a snow plow, whose parachute failed to open, whose skull was torn apart by a stage hook, who died relatively young of liver cancer and lung cancer or who were killed by the Manson gang, appeared in their caskets?

Nichiren [and the Lotus Sutra] teach,

"Thus you should understand that so long as a practitioner of the Lotus Sutra remains unwavering in faith, free of all false alliances, entrusting himself wholeheartedly to the Lotus Sutra and practicing in accordance with the Buddha’s golden words, he will without fail be able to prevent disaster and prolong his life in this present existence, to say nothing of in the life to come. Splendid recompense will be his, and he will fulfill his great vow to broadly proclaim and propagate the Lotus Sutra."


“This sutra provides good medicine for the ills of the people of Jambudvīpa. If a person who has an illness is able to hear this sutra, then his illness will be wiped out and he will know neither old age nor death.”

This is especially true in the case of a young person who embraces the Sutra according to Nichiren.

One will definitely either overcome their illness or live a long life despite their illness with a correct faith in the Three Treasures and Three Great Secret Laws. For example, Gregorio Romero, had a massive heart attack and stroke. He has fully recovered because of his correct faith. Shin Yatomi, on the other hand, was unable to overcome his illness precisely because his faith was warped, "I will definitely overcome my illness since I am a disciple of Sensei."

The Lotus Sutra states, "Hail Shakyamuni Buddha! Hail, Shakyamuni Buddha!"

"This Sutra" or Myoho renge kyo is cited 286 times by the Buddha in the Lotus Sutra.

SGI claims a rainbow appeared and a cherry tree blossomed in front of their new headquarters building at the opening ceremony. Nichiren teaches that on the eighth day of April, the birthday of the Buddha, the following occurred:

"The eighth is the day on which Shakyamuni Buddha, the father of all people, was born. On that day thirty-two mystic phenomena occurred. First, flowers blossomed and fruit ripened on all the plants and trees. Second, every kind of treasure welled forth from the earth. Third, without a single drop of rain falling, water welled up in all the fields and paddies. Fourth, night became as bright as day. Fifth, not a single sorrowful voice was heard throughout the entire major world system. All of the other signs that appeared were as auspicious as these. From that time on, for a period of over 2,230 years, the eighth day has been selected for the holding of auspicious events."

Moreover, why does SGI celebrate the birth of a building or the day Ikeda made a trip to Disneyland but never once have they celebrated the birthday of Shakyamuni Buddha? Certainly, they are inferior even to the practitioners of the Lesser Vehicle.

Nichiren goes on to say:

"Moreover, now when everyone else in Japan has abandoned Shakyamuni Buddha, what roots of goodness from the past, I wonder, account for your believing in the Lotus Sutra and Shakyamuni Buddha, and for all of you not only gathering on the eighth day and making offerings, but sending flowers and incense to Nichiren deep in the mountains? How truly praiseworthy!

Can we be counted among those who have abandoned Shakyamuni Buddha? Can the Soka Gakkai? Thing hard about this.


  1. In Nichiren’s time, people needed to be converted from “ worship of other Buddhas and reverence for lesser sutras”. —- before embracing the essential teaching, Myoho Renge Kyo.
    Now, people are introduced to Nichiren’s Buddhism and begin their practice chanting the daimoku. According to Nichiren, not only are the eternal Buddha, Shakyamuni, the Lotus Sutra and the Gohonzon “ one and the same “, but , “ whether he ( one who recites the daimoku ) understands the medicine or not, so long as he takes it, he will be cured in either case.”
    Therefore, these defamatory posts, trashing SGI( and other Nichiren sects ) deny the core of Nichiren’s own teachings and show personal animus toward other believers !
    Mark displays a myriad of person centered biases and inserts his own personal take on “ teachings” to justify the indefensible.
    We see that abundantly in our politics today, replete with vile character aspersions … It’s as though Mark’s pervasive denial of the perfect teaching , Has caused Mark to forget that Shakyamuni Buddha Himself strictly taught that He was not seeking to be “ worshipped”, but instead shared the teaching that would make “ all who embraced it, equal to Him”.
    Mark misunderstands Nichiren’s task of validating Shakyamuni in medieval, heretical Japan as being Nichiren teaching supplication to Shakyamuni’s as the “ correct practice.”.
    Clearing up this gross, misguided and destructive misunderstanding is easy for a believer, like me, who defers to Nichiren AND has studied sufficiently to understand the context in terms of cultural and historical facts. May be too simple and straight forward for Mark, a master obfuscater 🥹
    ~ Katie

  2. Break things like komeito and sgi and they will really star cleanup of fukushima. Fukushima was caused by sgi. It also maybe a good start in ending insane warmongers like biden and trump

    1. lol! when hubris replaces critical thinking you get the maga republicans and Rogow’s shit show, where uneducated narcissists come to display their ignorance.

    2. You aren't inquisitive enough to know the real problems and their cause.

    3. What a pitiful attack, Mark. Not difficult to appreciate how petty and threatened you are by truth !~ Katie

  3. Sgi sucks why no new posts

    1. gotta feed the wolves, mark. they are hungry for your “ raw meat” propaganda 🤒

    2. I'm just happy that the people like to read what the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren have to say about things instead of the Human Revolution..

    3. Perhaps applying practice to current and daily life issues is a more appropriate approach to encouraging people in the 21st century to continue their practice. Primacy of daimoku is alive and well in all Nichiren sects where believers advance and grow //become better human beings -/ whereas you are stuck in anger and animality — ~~Katie

  4. doubtful any western new intro to buddhism partitioners really know what true buddhist behavior looks like. if you start with a clear definition/understanding, you'll see that mark and his motley crew here are unhinged and dramatically confused about the essential, perfect teaching; the meaning of faith in that teaching... and nichiren's admonitions about trashing fellow believers. problem with this blog: can't agree on facts! and waiting for mark to publish comments is just another example of his disrespect and attempts to control the narrative here, boo ! this blog truly sucks.

    1. Yes, my extravagant salary for pointing people to the Lotus Sutra and writings of Nichiren, rather than the opinions of the posseur Ikeda and his WELL PAID Lieutenants. You must be kidding. My behavior? You make me laugh, like:

      Ahaha, Atata, Arara
      Ahaha, Atata, Arara

      I have often been derided by SGI members. Sometimes, they state, "I am laughing at you." I then teach them about Ahaha, Atata, Arara which few of them have ever heard of. I tell them they are confusing laughter with Ahaha, Atata, and Arara. I would like to share with you this concept.

      "Two different kinds of hell exist beneath the earth.
      The first is a hell of flame; the fire of this hell is like
      molten iron, which ignites charcoal, burns fields, and
      consumes all things. To burn sinners in such a fire is
      simple, exactly like throwing paper or wood chips into a
      bonfire. Those who commit arson-robbery, who attack their
      enemies with fire, or women whose hearts burn with jealousy
      fall into this flaming hell and must suffer the intense

      The second kind of hell is a hell of ice. There are eight
      hells of ice as explained by the Nirvana Sutra: "Eight
      hells of ice and cold exist. They are the Ahaha Hell, the
      Atata Hell, the Arara Hell, the Ababa Hell, the Ubara Hell,
      the Hazuma Hell, the Kumozu Hell, and the Fundara Hell."
      The names of the eight hells of ice and cold arise from
      sinners' different screams of pain and their different skin
      colors caused by the cold. The bitter cold of these hells
      is like the north wind of Lake Suwa in Shinano Province
      (Nagano Prefecture) or on Mount Tateyama in Etchu Province
      (Toyama Prefecture). Imagine the intense cold which causes
      the birds atop Mount Hakusan of Kaga Province (Ishikawa
      Prefecture) to huddle with their wings folded. Imagine the
      lonely cold of the widow's feet. Imagine the desperate cold
      of the pheasant, forced down and surrounded by snow. Having
      to endure the cold, the sinners shiver with their chins
      chattering, and they say, "ahaha, atata, arara." The cold
      causes the sinners' skins to turn red, a condition called
      "red lotus" or "great red lotus."

      Those who fall into this hell are those who steal clothes,
      or who warm themselves while their parents or teachers
      suffer from the cold in this life. (A Response to the Wife of Lord Ota).

      Those who make offerings to the Lotus Sutra and the votaries avoid falling into such hells. Those who trouble the votaries and slander the Lotus Sutra fall into such hells.

      President Ikeda and the Leaders of the SGI who trample on the dignity of the Lotus Sutra and the true disciples of Nichiren Daishonin are already in the two cold hells. "I Seek Sensei" is Ahaha. "Buddhahood is only found in the SGI" is Atata. "The Lotus Sutra has lost its validity in Mappo" is Arara

    2. Good you know repercussions for disregarding the primacy of daimoku — Not good that you can’t apply your superficial knowledge to your own practice. ~Katie

  5. "I have to wonder how those SGI members who were either run over by a snow plow, whose parachute failed to open, whose skull was torn apart by a stage hook, who died relatively young of liver cancer and lung cancer or who were killed by the Manson gang, appeared in their caskets?"

    such are the musings of a depraved zealot.

  6. Of course, SGI lied about Nam in their translations of Nichiren's works. They lied about Nichiren's reverence for the Eternal Shakyamuni Buddha. Never once did Nichiren write Nam. Since they lied about the Law and the Buddha, everything else they say is a lie. Wherever SGI goes, disasters follow.

    1. Over and over, the five characters Myo ho Ren Ge Kyo are emphasized as essential. Petty criticism regarding the prefix just demonstrate your superficial understanding and disregard of Nichiren’s own words! ~Katie

  7. in my gakkai gosho books i have read all about nichiren's reverence for shakyamuni. in my noppa trnslations i also read that the buddha and the law are one and the same and nichiren drew the eternal buddha and established the object of worship, the gohonzon. but i also realize nichiren had to convince people of his time that shakyamuni was the one and only buddha and the lotus sutra was the highest teaching. me? i started out chanting the daimoku and have only found more and more reason to revere and embrace it and chant it all the time. mark is the liar, telling people that the so-called knowledge he thinks he has is a prerequisite for correct practice. ha! gosho says: even if one has no knowledge of buddhism... they attain the same benefits as the buddha from doing what? merely embracing and upholding faith by chanting the daimoku every day.
    since breaking unity of believers is grave slander-- mark and his ilk are composing the great disasters of our time-- yup! gosho says slander of the true teaching/dharma is the cause--- look no further than the lying dr rogow.
