- I did answer most of the points. Here are further explications in bold type:
- Nichiren BuddhistMay 16, 2012 at 2:55 AM
5).Destructive cults lead their members to believe they are somehow superior to all other humans on the earth.
Alan: April 1, 2012 6:44 PM
The Kempon Hokke has to continue to help, guide and correct the SGI, the NST and all other sects that divert themselves and their followers away from the Eternal Buddha
Buku: April 2, 2012 5:55 AM
yes Alan, for the sake of the teachings, our sake, and for the sake of their members
If Kempon Hokke is not superior why do you feel the need “to continue to help, guide and correct the SGI, NST and all other sects” “for the sake of the teachings, our sake, and for the sake of their members”?- You are right Nichiren Buddhist, the modern Kempon Hokke is no better than the SGI, NST, and all the other Nichiren sects. Every last one of them deviates from the teachings of Nichiren. Nichiren's teachings and sangha are superior to those of the sects which derive from his deeply flawed successors. It is individuals, not sects, that make a religion great.
- 6).Destructive cults put the will of the group above the will of the individual. This is often reinforced with simplistic games or rituals of some type designed to make the individual subservient to the group.ReplyDelete
I don’t have a problem with dates that celebrate key events from Soka Gakkai history and the mentor-disciple relationship in which we are encouraged by our mentor to develop our faith is no different to other faiths that have a spiritual leader. Personally, I have several mentors and while I respect President Ikeda as the SGI’s spiritual leader, I am primarily inspired in faith by Shakyamuni and his orally transmitted teaching of the Lotus Sutra and the writings of Nichiren Daishonin. If I was asked directly though, who is your mentor, I would probably give the name of an SGI member that has supported me with sensible guidance and encouragement especially during my early years of practice.
Does Kempon have no special dates connected to Nichiju? Does Kempon Hokke not show respect to the efforts of Nichiju for carrying the torch of true Buddhism or respect for the wisdom or guidance of Reverend Tsuchiya for continuing the strict tradition?
Also, I don’t know the context in which it was said, but “the Soka Gakkai is more important than my life.” implies to me that President Ikeda sees the continuation of Nichiren’s Buddhism through the SGI as being more important than members simply becoming followers of President Ikeda. Maybe things are different in the SGI-USA but in the UK, Canada and Japan I never felt this strong Ikeda worship. This sinister aspect of the mentor-disciple relationship only exists if individual members want it to. If members are praising President Ikeda and his writings more than Shakyamuni or Nichiren, to me that’s a problem that I would speak out about, but it’s not one I’ve come across in the UK even though I’ve read about it online.
Most of the experiences given by members that I have heard seem to focus on them developing the wisdom and strength to overcome their obstacles based on the practice of chanting. They will usually give thanks to other specific members that have supported them through their struggles.
Finally with reference to clothes and beards that’s another thing I haven’t come across in the UK. People wear what they want to meetings and even during Gohonzon receiving ceremonies people dress as casually or formally as they want. - The following are the significant dates for the followers of Nichiren and Nichiju
- February 15: the Nirvana Day of the Manifest (Historical) Shakyamuni
- February 16: the Birth of Nichiren Daishonin (1222 C.E.)
February 20: Commemoration of Persecution of the Martyr Jorakuin Nikkyo‹ Shonin and his Five Companions, Physically Mutilated by order of the Shogun at Kyoto (1609 C.E.)February 28: the Nirvana Day of Nichiju Shonin, Restorer of Nichiren Daishonin’s Teachings and Founder of the Myomanji Branch (1392 C.E.)March 23: the Spring Ohigan Festival (Vernal Equinox)April 8: Hanamatsuri (the Flower Festival): the Birthday of the Manifest (Historical) Shakyamuni BuddhaApril 12, 13: the Great Ceremony at the Head Temple, Myomanji, in KyotoApril 28: the Founding of Nichiren Daishonin’s Teaching (1253 C.E.) (Also happens to be Nichiju Shonin’s Birthday)May 12: Commemoration o Persecution of Nichiren: Exile to Izu (1261 C.E.)July 15: the Obon Festival: Praying for Ancestors (Traditionally celebrated in August according to the old lunar calendar)September 5: Commemoration of the Martyrs at Noda (1635 C.E.)September 12: Commemoration of Nichiren Shonin’s near-execution and miraculous escape at Tatsunokuchi (1271 C.E.)September 23: the Autumn Ohigan Festival (Autumnal Equinox)October 13: the Oeshiki: the Nirvana Day of Nichiren Daishonin (1282 C.E.)November 11: Commemoration of Persecution of Nichiren: the Komatsubara Ambush (1264 C.E.)November 22: the Nirvana Day of the Martyr Jorakuin Nikkyo Shonin (1620 C.E.)December 8: Commemoration of the Attainment of Enlightenment by the Manifest (Historical) Buddha Shakyamuni - We show respect to both Nichiju and Nichiren by not altering their teachings in the slightest and by commemorating and remembering them by our significant dates. We have no special mentors other than the Lotus Sutra, Shakyamyuni Buddha, and Nichiren Daishonin. Even Nichiju and Nikkyo are but good friends in the dharma who, through their valiant faith and practice, are exemplars but not mentors. By really studying the Lotus Sutra and writings of Nichiren, one will come to the same conclusions as they.
- As far as "Ikeda worship" in the UK, you either have your blinders on or as a District Chief, you are not privy to the guidance of your seniors. Maybe I can help you:
- "In the November 9, 1992 World Tribune (WT) p. 5, the late Richard
Causton, former general director of the SGI-UK, stated,"We must deeply understand that the heritage of the Universal Law of
Nam-myoho-renge-kyo can only be transmitted through organizations
joined in unity, based on faith in Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism and
the principle of the oneness of master and disciple." (emphasis
added). Mr. Causton also explains his reference to "the oneness of
master and disciple" as follows: "All of us who chant Nam-myoho-renge-
kyo, which our ultimate master, Nichiren Daishonin, taught us, can
develop the eyes of the Buddha; but it is President Ikeda, our master
in life, who guides us through the rocks and shoals of this life, with
pride and gratitude. President Ikeda has taught me everything. "The
article also states: "Hence, the master gives his guidance based on
his interpretations of the Gosho in contemporary terms and his
experience of action, both for his own human revolution and for
guiding the movement for kosen-rufu. We as disciples, must then set
out to prove its validity for ourselves . - b) Internalize sensei. Ask myself “what would Sensei do, in this situation?”, as often as possible.
- c) Express gratitude and endeavour to repay my debt of gratitude to Sensei. -- Cormac SGI UK senior leader
- "Robert Samuels, our General Director, has recently proposed that we revitalise our discussion meetings, and bring President Ikeda’s heart right into the centre of our districts." -- Camden Buddhists [Not the heart of Shakyamuni Buddha or Nichiren Daishonin
- You must not be reading your E-Bulletin Nichiren Buddhist: http://www.sgi-uk.info/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/sgi-e-bulletin-issue-no4.pdf
- Would you like me to point out to you the Ikeda worship in Canada and Japan too? This was just a cursory glance at the thousands of search results related to Ikeda mentor-disciple [worship] in the UK.
- NNB: If members are praising President Ikeda and his writings more than Shakyamuni or Nichiren, to me that’s a problem that I would speak out about, but it’s not one I’ve come across in the UK even though I’ve read about it online.
- Me: Ridiculous
- Finally, you write: "Finally with reference to clothes and beards that’s another thing I haven’t come across in the UK. People wear what they want to meetings and even during Gohonzon receiving ceremonies people dress as casually or formally as they want." Including the Sokahan, Gajokai, and Lilac group? No uniforms? Dress as casually or formally as they want?
- More BS from Nichiren Buddhist
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