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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Can You Believe it?

A high ranking Ikeda sect member, Tim Janakos-Kobayashi, invited me to  "Free Energetic Emotional Healing Sessions.". I wrote him back, asking him if he stopped chanting the Daimoku. Myo is to revive. Of what use is a lantern when the sun rises? SGI is nothing but a new age claptrap of a religion which appropriates the Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra but which breeds deluded men.


  1. because sgi has long since lost their faith(in real buddhism), i can believe it.

    recently having a conversation with an old sgi friend who lives in an outline area, she confided that within her district there is much infighting and resentment. soon i hope she will leave the sgi and return to real buddhism.

  2. The link asks me for the password to your facebook account. Maybe you have a screenshot?

  3. It wasn't a link. Here is the link to this new age multi-level marketing scam.

  4. The fact that it works is even more impressive.

    When you're done having doctors PRACTICE 20th century medicine on you, perhaps you'll be ready for 21st century healing.

  5. and how much will it cost me? More than natural soup, salad, fruit, juice, and multigrain?

  6. You don't know what the word "Free" means?

  7. Nearly all MLM scams begin by giving away something for free. Is this your new home based business, Tim?

  8. It's not MLM. It's a healing method designed by Dr. Bradley Nelson who was a chiropractor in Orange County California for 17 years, now he trains independent healers all over the world. I'm not yet certified, so I can't charge for it yet.

    1. Not interested. Please promote your healing techniques somewhere else. Here we heal diseases of karmic causation.

  9. I do believe it was you, Nancy, who started promoting my Free Energetic Emotional Healing on this website, NOT ME!

    And I thank you for it.

    It would be un-Buddhist of me to allow falsehoods to be perpetuated by a fellow Buddhist without challenging them.

  10. "A high ranking Ikeda sect member, Tim Janakos-Kobayashi, invited me to "Free Energetic Emotional Healing Sessions.". I wrote him back, asking him if he stopped chanting the Daimoku. Myo is to revive. Of what use is a lantern when the sun rises? SGI is nothing but a new age claptrap of a religion which appropriates the Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra but which breeds deluded men."

    It is proof of my assertion [that you are a delusional that you think I am promoting new age alternative healing practices rather than the Daimoku, the sole means for curing karmic disease.

    Were I to promote any healing methods other than the Daimoku, I would promote traditional Eastern and Western Medicine, hygienic living standards and food preperation, a balanced diet low in saturated fats, refined foods, and food additives, smoking and drinking in moderation, and use of condoms.

  11. Thank you once again Nancy for spreading the message about my amazing energy healing sessions. Thanks to the 30 people who volunteered to let me do a free healing session on them and the paperwork I submitted on their cases for my Emotion Code certification. I am now A CERTIFIED PRACTITIONER. So now, yes I will start charging for the healing sessions I was doing before for free. But I couldn't have done it without your help in promoting my message. THANK YOU AGAIN NANCY FOR COMING OUT!!

  12. Tim, you are a charlatan who will be rebuked by cause and effect and the Daishonin himself. Desperate for money, you sell snake oil while having abandoned the Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra.

  13. Nam myo ho ren ge kyo. It was the daimoku of the lotus sutra that brought me to this amazing healing technique. I can't abandon the Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra because I'm the Buddha from time without beginning, even if you are not aware of that reality.

  14. "They merely advance the principle of nonduality without understanding the principle of duality, and commit an act of great arrogance, claiming that they themselves are equal to the Buddha."

  15. if a person or a group would freely change the one essential phrase of the lotus sutra, from namu to nam, what else would they feel free changing? answer: anything they want.

    what makes you think you are the buddha from time without beginning? please explain.

  16. You guys are so clueless.

    Please come to Japan and realize almost everything in the Japanese language that ends in a "u," or has a u in it if Romanized, the "u" is silent. We can write it in Romaji (Romanized characters) without the u or with the u, and it makes no difference, and in Japanese it is ム spelled mu in Romoji, pronounced with no "u."

    Sukiyaki, is spelled with a U, but there is no "U" sound, so for English people who are clueless about Japanese pronunciation, it is better to spell it Skiyaki, because that is how it is pronounced.

    Similarly Desu, です is pronounced "Des" not "Desu" unless you are Just learning Japanese and you want to sound like an imbecile.  

    Similarly かなずか 駅 (Kanazuka Station), if you were lost in Niigata, and you asked a Japanese how to get there, and you don't ask "Where is 'Kanazka' (without the silent u sound in the character Zu) Station?" people would not know what you are saying, because they don't pronounce the U sound in most words.

    I can go on and on with hundreds of other Japanese words that the u is silent, but I am done with my Japanese lesson for today. You can send a check or pay with your credit card if you want another schooling in Japanese pronunciations.

    So if you want to read 南無 in romaji as Mamu and think the Japanese word has a vocalized "u" sound, than people will look at you like you are crazy in Japan, or anywhere else in the world if they speak Japanese.

    So any ばか外人 who wants to look like a fool can do that, but you would be better off reciting the title of the Lotus Sutra in another language, if you want to be ignorant of Japanese pronunciations and think you are chanting the way Nichiren did.

    You might as well be chanting it in a language you can actually pronounce right, like Sanskrit: Saddharma Pudarika, Chinese: miàofǎ liánhuá jīng, or Korean: myobeop yeonhwa gyeong

    After taking just one semester at any Junior College of basic Japanese, I'm sure you can learn that the U's are silent in most words.

    You can say "Herb" with the H sound if you are in England, but are you then going to also say "Honorable" with the h sound or "hour" with the "h" sound. Well I guess you could, if you are fresh off the boat and just learning the English language, but after a few days and a number of native English speakers correcting you to the correct pronunciation of the words, you will be pretty foolish to be the only one insisting that the H is sounded, just because people from English say Herb with an H sound.

    1. i have heard this said before. however, the fact remains that there is no word called nam and there is the word namu. nichiren always wrote the five or seven characters, never the six characters. show me one place in his original writings where he wrote nam. yet, in the nichiren shoshu/sgi goshos they write nam and not namu. in any other sect not affiliated with the fuji school they chant namu. the fuji school is the only group that chanted nam rather than namu. herb is still written as herb not changed to erb. we are talking about the one essenial phrase here. who would be so arrogant that they would change that from nichirens hand to their own hand. i maintain that if they would change that, what else would they change. the truth is they have changed much, added much, twisted paragraphs much, and at the end of the day, do not teach or practice nichirens buddhism. if you really study nichirens writings from good and accurate translations(they can be found but not in the juji school), you will find that you are the one that is clueless.

  17. Thank you Greg for asking. I'm happy to point out the many places in the Gosho where this is what Nichiren says not me.

    It is now 1:05 in the morning in Japan, so I am only going to be brief here, and quote from one gosho, but I will be happy to supply many more quotes if you are really interested at a later time.

    Page 836, the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Volume II, from the Unanimous Declaration by the Buddhas, written at Mt. Minobu in 1297, "The dreams that are the realm of birth and death are temporary and lack an inherent entity and nature, and thus exemplify that which is provisional. Hence they are called illusions. The waking state of original enlightenment is true and real, the mind that is removed from the realm of birth and extinction, and thus exemplifies truth. Hense it is called the true aspect."

    This "Original Enlightenment" he speaks of, which is from "Time Without Beginning," which is our "True Aspect (which means you and I and anyone else who fully understands Nichiren's teachings are the Eternal Buddha from Time without beginning)" is further elucidated on the next page of the text:

    "The births and deaths occurring in the nine worlds exemplify the principles underlying a realm of dreams, and hence they are called provisional teachings. The eternally abiding nature of the world of Buddhahood exemplifies the principal of the waking state, and hence it is called the true teaching." (ibid 837)

    The words "Eternally Abiding" in the original Japanese text, can just as easily be translated as "from time without beginning," as eternity has no beginning.

    This is the waking state of consciousness that all Buddhas have, free from the delusion of false distinctions.

  18. He goes on to write, (page 837-8, ibid) "And if one practices the specific teaching, thinking to become a Buddha after twenty-two great asamkhyas and a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand kalpas, this is to become a Buddha of the provisional teaching in the dream realm of birth and death. Seen in the light of the waking state of the original enlightenment of the Lotus Sutra, the Buddhahood of the specific teaching is not true Buddhahood but a goal achieved in the realm of dreams.... Hence it is called a system in which the teaching regarding the goal exists but no example of anyone who has reached it.... The Buddha of the reward body, which exists depending on causes and conditions, represents a provision result obtained in a dream, while the Buddha eternally endowed with the three bodies represents, the true Buddha from the time before enlightenment [otherwise translated as 'time without beginning'].... The former represents the Budhha gained through practice of the first three of the four teachings, and the latter, the Buddha perceived through observation of the mind described in the last of the four teachings, the perfect teachings."

    So you can go many years looking to the wizard of Oz to show you how to get back to Kansas or you can "observe your mind" and realize that you already have the silver slippers on your feet, which are no different than the jewel that is sown in your robe, because you are already home; YOU ARE ALREADY THE BUDDHA FROM TIME WITHOUT BEGINNING.

  19. Now if you didn't understand the first two quotes, you can turn off your mind now and just keep reading, because your true nature will fully understand what your mind is not yet willing to perceive.

    He goes on, (page 840, ibid) "The Law that is without distinctions is the wonderful Law of the one vehicle. It is the Law that makes no distinctions between good or evil, the Law that preaches that grass and trees, forests, mountains and rivers, the great earth or even one particle of dust all possess within themselves the full Ten World. This one vehicle of the Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Law present in one's mind [your mind too Nancy, Greg and Masaru, whether you have the courage or not to realize it or not] pervades all the pure lands of the ten directions without exception. The blessings that adorn the living beings and the environments in the pure lands of the ten directions are present within one's own mind and never depart from it for an instant. This is the Thus Come One of original enlightenment [which you and I are, if we choose to perceive it], the three bodies that are a single unity, and outside of this there is no Law. This single Law exists within the pure lands of the ten directions, and no other Law exists. Hence it is called a Law without distinctions."

  20. He goes on for people who want to know what it means to be a True Buddha from Time Without Beginning. (page 843, ibid) "The ordinary mortal is confused about the nature of his own mind and remains unenlightened. The Buddha [you and me] is enlightened to that nature, and manifests it as what are called transcendental powers. Transcendental Power means the power of the spirit to penetrate all phenomena without hindrance. Such freely exercised transcendental powers are present in the minds of all sentient beings."

    Notice how he says all sentient beings, not only those who believe in Nichiren's teaching or who are Buddhists. That is why there are thousands of energy healers all over the world who are Buddhists and non-Buddhists who are all learning how to use their transcendental powers to, as Nichiren wrote in this text, "penetrate all phenomena without hindrance." We can penetrate the causal factors for all disease with the energy of our minds.

    But you who don't even realize that you are the Buddha from Time without beginning and you have always been that, and you are still looking for your silver slippers to get back home, will probably never understand the transcendental powers that reside in your minds or be brave enough to fully exercise them.

    1. healer, my question to you was what makes you think you are a buddha from time without beginning. i did not ask you about the potential to become a buddha. there is reality and then there is fantasy. tentai and nichiren concur that the true entity is one, but like everything else in this universe it has two potentials. they say; if the true entity encounters bad or evil influences, instead of manifesting enlightenment, it will instead manifest a deeper delusion. however, if it encounters good influences it will manifest enlightenment. here we are talking about the real world, not a fantasy or a potential to be realized someday. sgi turns its back on this passage and actually many more. nichiren , self- described, leader of the bodhisattvas of the earth and follower of the eternal shakyamuni said the good influences are namu myoho renge kyo(the essence of the lotus sutra), shakyamuni and his teachings as well as those having the same mind as nichiren. the evil influences are those that go against or teach something other than what they taught. "rely on the law and not the person" both sgi and nst go completely against this. what made nichirens enlightenment was who he followed(shakyamuni) and that he lived, at the risk of his very life, believed in and taught the lotus sutra 24/7. he didn't teach somebody else's version of the lotus sutra. nichiren says many times in his writings, "the correct teachings". as you may know, buddhism is faith, practice and study. not just any faith, correct faith. not just any practice, correct practice. not just any study, the study of real buddhism and not someone else's version. nichiren also says, "there is correct wisdom and there is perverse wisdom". correct wisdom is reality and is good , perverse wisdom is fantasy and is not good. nichiren taught; there is only one distinction in any persons daimoku. that distinction is whether one chants with correct faith or chants while cherishing something different in ones heart. this shows that it is not just the words but the faith. this is the nst and sgi which includes you as you seem to be attacted to them. today, both nst and sgi have turned their backs on what the lotus sutra and nichiren actually taught in favor of something else. most likely for profit and selfish gain. healer, what you have put forth is a potential that all life has, however, it takes a correct faith, practice and study to make it a reality. like many sgi, i sure you will pay no attention to what i say. those who won't listen to nichiren also won't listen to me. this i know. my hope for you is that you will leave the sgi, begin a real buddhist practice and enjoy the promise of the lotus sutra and nichiren. cheers.

  21. through faith and faith alone can one enter. not just any faith. even the lowly sgi once taught that most important is what one takes faith in. why is this? it is because faith is the most powerful influence on our life and the world. if it is incorrect faith, and does not match reality, in the end, it blinds people to the truth. it will only lead to misery and regret. so teaches nichiren. look at the world. is it not clear? and yet, people cling to what they know or what makes them feel comfortable. the lotus sutra is also known as the one great truth. those who turn their backs on this one great truth will suffer. japan is an excellent example. namu myoho renge kyo are not just some magic words. ney, they are the enlightened teaching of the eternal buddha that changes common mortals, if believed and followed, into buddhas. it changes the saha world(slander-land) into the buddhas land. sgi and nst have deceived the people and they continue to do so. buddhas are not deceivers.

  22. Healer, could you please give me the name of the gosho you refer to in japanese?

  23. theoretical ichinen sanzen is not the same as actual ichinen sanzen. the former is a concept and the latter is real. this is what we are talking about here healer. because the book says something does not make it real in the real world. it becomes real when it is manifest and actual. the sgi is so confused about the teachings. more like new wave christianity.

  24. Obviously Greg you didn't read the quoted gosho passages above or your questions would have been resolved. The fact that WE ARE ALL ACTUAL BUDDHAS now is no theory. It is the true waking reality that he talks about in this gosho. You can be the unenlightened practitioner if you want to, but I choose to be the Buddha I have always been since time without beginning as this gosho completely elucidates.

  25. The 26 page gosho is titled "sanze Shobutsu Sokammon kyoso Hairyu" page 558 in the Gosho Zenshu. In English the full title is "The Unanimous Declaration by the Buddhas of the Three Existences regarding the Classification of the Teachings and Which Are to Be Abandoned and Which Upheld."

    If you can't read and understand the above quotes that I quoted above and see that they answer your questions, I won't bother making more quotes from this gosho and others that make it just as obvious, because obviously you have chosen to remain deluded and in a dream as he says in this Gosho.

  26. For those of you who actually read the above quotes from the Gosho and unlike Greg actually understood what Nichiren was writing about, and that you too are Buddhas from time without beginning, as he clearly writes over and over in this 26 page gosho:

    I'm looking for one person to do a free healing session on (even someone who's skeptical) that will let me make a promotion video of the online healing session. And if you are skeptical, I don't mind you saying that in the video, because this works even for people who don't believe in it. Also I would prefer to have someone who has some serious pain or serious medical problem (such as a so-called "incurable" disease), though I don't believe they really exist, they too are just part of the dream I will help you awaken from.

  27. Healer, i will respond to your various statements in an attempt to allow you to understand the correct teachings of Nichiren.
    First off, this gosho does not exist in Nichirens hand, making it suspect to say the least.
    As for you assertion that the pronunciation of namu is 'nam', your argument is invalid. namu is a transliteration of a chinese transliteration of a sanskrit word. this means that the sound of the foreign word is rendered into another language.namu is not a japanese word.the meaning in japanese would be 'no south'. the japanese word for this transliterated word is 'kimyo'.the chinese pronunciation of of namu is 'nan woo'.
    regarding your statement that we are already buddhas, this is an erroneous doctrine put forth by the japanese tendai sect, and is chuko tendai hongaku shiso theory. this is not the teaching of Nichiren. you would do well to study the concept of kyo kan fu ni, which means that the daimoku is not a transmission separate from the Lotus Sutra. this concept is an erroneous doctrine developed by the heretical nichiren shoshu based on the opinion of nichikan, with no actual relationship to the Lotus Sutra or any actual gosho.
    Nichiren states that the daimoku of found hidden in the depths of the 16 chapter.this substantiates kyo kan fu ni. this is actual ichinen sanzen, not the theoretical which is the hallmark of tendai and shoshu/gakki theory.
    as for your statements on you personal site that the various
    methods that you employed to overcome you various sicknesses didnt work (including the daimoku), of course this would be the case. the daimoku is not some sort of magic incantation (kenmitsu)to have a happy life, get the things you want or to overcome some sort of illness. a person may or may not see various effects in their life based on their own individual karma.
    You also state that we are 'clueless'. your various self centered opinions have obviated the fact that you in fact are the one that is clueless regarding the authentic, correct teachings of Nichiren.
    I hope you will be able to take this to heart and correct your incorrect ideas based on the erroneous opinions of the nichiren shoshu and soka gakkai.

  28. healer, by my reply, if you knew anything about the teachings of the lotus sutra and nichiren you would know that i did read what you assert. truth is, it is you who have not replied to anything i have said so i have my doubts that you read it. this is typical of dialogues with the sgi cult members. rather rude for a buddha wouldn't ya say. no surprise, like master, like disciple. sgi is an evil org. it produces arrogant, ignorant(of the teachings) buddhist hypocrites. nst is an evil group who many many years ago twisted and changed the daishonins teachings and his enlightened understanding of the the lotus sutra. i'm quite sure to some degree sgi knows this but they don't care about buddhism. they have fabricated goshos, changed paragraphs and tweaked words, phonied documents and more. nst gave birth to sgi and the sgi although bitter enemies(since the middle 70s, ikeda had for long carried a grudge against them for publicly criticizing him). the sgi still adopted many of their erroneous teachings and goshos. this is because neither the sgi or nst care about buddhism. only the sgi and nst use gosho that are suspect or outright phonies. not only by other nichiren sects but also by independent scholars. i do own vol 2 and i could not find it posted anywhere on the net, so i was not able to read the entire gosho that you and the sgi are now using. however, i am well studied and i know the teachings of nichiren well. this gosho is not in nichirens hand and the nst and sgi have proven to be untrustworthy. this gosho does not smack of nichiren and what he taught throughout his life. sgi loves youth because they are easy to brainwash. don't be one of them. if you care at all about buddhism, you will take shinkei's advice. slanders are not buddhas. nichiren tells us that "it is a lack of courage that keeps one from attaining buddhahood. even though one may have professed faith in the lotus sutra for kalpas". do not promote your product here.

  29. reverend tsuchiya has also confirmed that this gosho is not authentic and that indeed it is chuko tendai hongaku buddhism. no surprise here.

    sgi is evil in the world of the lotus sutra and nichirens buddhism. this fact is undeniable. because they have become the laughingstock of nichirens buddhism they promote this phony gosho to their members to placate and trick them into thinking that sgi is really a nichiren buddhist org. those, like tim that support them, make very bad causes.

  30. Question: Why does SGI have a code of conduct for leaders?

    Answer: Because the SGI religion and philosophy has absolutely no power to create Buddhas, they have a code of conduct for leaders that must be signed. Buddhas don't need any code of conduct. They are perfect embodiments of the Law of Namu Myoho renge kyo. They, in themselves, have all merits and virtues, universal ethics, and morals of all peoples and religions. It is an admission by the SGI that there are those in the SGI who are not Buddhas. If they are not Buddhas they should neither be emulated nor are they capable of giving guidance to the Bodhisattvas of the Earth. That is why we in the Kempon Hokke follow Shakyamuni Buddha of the 16th chapter of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Daishonin and receive our guidance directly from the Gohonzon (Scroll of the Lotus Sutra), the real and ultimate manifestation and embodiment of Buddhahood. That too is why we actually become manifestations and embodiments of Buddhahood.

  31. BTW This latter comment is proof of Shinkei's assertion that SGI practices, promotes, and is the embodiment of theoretical Ichinen Sanzen and not actual Ichinen Sanzen. Practicing theoretical Ichinen Sanzen in Mappo they rarely progress past the Lower Four Worlds. Their entire organization is based on Anger [top leaders better and more accomplished than low level leaders and general members] and Animality [fawning and servitude of the low level leaders towards those of higher rank]. There is no equality in the SGI. There is no actual Buddhahood in the Soka Gakkai.

  32. You guys are so funny.

    No matter what I write, you are going to keep coming back with more and more intellectualizing to disprove Nichiren's teaching, using Nichiren's teaching to do so, which is quite laughable.

    I've heard all the absurd claims that the Record of Orally Transmitted Teachings (ROTT), because they were not written by Nichiren, but notes of his lectures taken by the very person who was so much his discipal that he accompanied him on his exile to Sado Island.

    But if you want to be foolish and not read the notes of Nikko, just because they weren't written by Nichiren, than you can do that, but there were other gosho he wrote at the same time, including this 26 page one, which are identical to the claims made in the ROTT, so regardless of who penned the ROTT, the logic and the sagacity of the writings stand as validation for their own authenticity.

    Now if you haven't even read this qosho and you don't understand it, than that is not my concern (go do your homework, before you try to disprove the Daishonin's teaching with his lesser arguments of earlier days). If you now want to argue that now this gosho which was published many decades ago in the Gosho Zenshu is not the real writings of Nichiren, it's as meaningless as the claims of other sects of Buddhism that the Lotus Sutra was somehow not the work of Shakyamuni (because he didn't obviously write down any of the sutra as there was no writing at the time).

    If you read the writing and you chant about their meaning, and you realize that you too are a buddha already, as he says in this writing and in the ROTT, you won't need me telling you. But if you are afraid of your own power and not willing to be everything you truely be, that is not my concern either.

    If you haven't done that yet, and you want to bag on other people who have and try to rant about meaningless semantics, you can do that. But I'm through with your puerile arguments. This post is about my energy healing, which I didn't start, Nancy did, and I wasn't asked to be part of, but I am happy to join you in talking about it.

    Because it's amazing and I'm glad you are promoting it to less intelligent and less enlightened (only by choice of course) people who read such boring websites as this one.

    Peace love and light, NamU myo-ho ren-ge kyo (The big U is silent, but if you want to pronounce it go ahead; it makes no difference to me Sahakyamuni, Many Treasures Buddha, Nichiren or any other Buddha throughout the universe.)

  33. "...even persons in the lowest category of ordinary mortals will enter the stage of Buddhahood within the space of a single lifetime and achieve perfect enlightenment." Nichiren Page 208, Volume II (from Explaining the Causation of the Ten Worlds, written in 1260)

    What are you all waiting for? The end of your life? Are you not even as wise as "the lowest category of ordinary mortals"? How long will you have to chant and even if you vocalize the silent U or not, to realize you always have been a Buddha?

    Through off your transient nature and reveal your true identity.

    Anyone on this site can be a fool and claim this writing too is not the "authentic writing of Nichiren own hands" but it won't change the truth of its words.

    1. Who are you? I am SHE, ~Marti. Please respond to me @

  34. wrong again tim. this is one of the only places you will get the truth. it won't be from nichikan shoshu and it most certainly won't be through ikedaism. crying about what we tell you doesn't change anything. if you are interested about real nichirens buddhism, stick around and we will be happy to discuss discuss it with you. if you are nothing more than a sgi cult member who cares nothing about the real teachings. hit the road.

  35. last thing tim, go ask you faithless mentor this question: if everyone is already a buddha, why is it that ikeda holds a grudge against nikken and the priesthood. slanders him in public and allows his organization to do likewise. does this gosho not apply to them? ask him why, even though mr williams build the foundation of nsa/sgi, he belittled mr williams in front of the members who loved him, and then took credit for and in the end stole his organization then left him in disgrace. why has he written mr williams out of the history of nsa in this country. mr williams was also a buddha was he not? think: this phony gosho that you speak of was never mentioned of promoted in the gakkai for 45 years. the nichikan shoshu do not use or promote this phony gosho to their members and never have. why is this? it is because they know that anybody who knows the teachings of nichiren would know within 2 minutes of reading this so called gosho, that it is a phony and that it is tendai buddhism. if anybody through the years really thought that this gosho was legitimate it would be considered one of nichirens five major works. don't ya think so? it is not and is not even used. now that your ridiculous gakkai has become the laughing stock of nichirens buddhism, they drag this phony out to deceive their members into believing that the sgi is really a nichiren buddhist organization. ikeda is a fraud and so is sgi. don't walk away from!

  36. nichiren speaks:

    "those who fall into the evil paths because of their mistaken practice of buddhism outnumber the dust particles of the land, while those who attain the buddha way by practicing the correct teaching are fewer than the specks of dirt that can be placed on a fingernail".

  37. You mean "Nichiren's teachings" that the common mortal is the true Buddha while Shakyamuni and Taho are provisional Buddhas? The True Aspect of All Phenomena is another favorite forgery beloved by the disgraceful Gakkai and then there is the Ongi Kuden. You Tim are a mark who has abandoned his wonderful faculty of critical thinking for the Magic City of Ikedaville.

  38. See my latest post Tim, The Ongi Kuden is an Obvious Forgery. Would love to get your feedback that will NOT be forthcoming, I'm almost certain.

  39. We are infinite beings. The only person powerful enough to hold us back from all that we truly be is ourselves. Nichiren knew this, Shakyamuni knew this and many other buddhas knew this, but in each of their given times it was very hard to say explain that to people who had no clue about their infiniteness, and their wasn't even language adequate enough to fully make in comprehensible to people who might even understand it. Shakyamuni did the best he could in the Lotus Sutra, but it took someone like Nichiren to fully explain it to the people in his time, which were still not ready for that truth.

    Only in the Ongi Kuden, in the 26 page Gosho that I quoted above and in a few other gosho like the True Aspect of all phenomena, did Nichiren finally try to put into words the fact of our infinite nature.

    Oh course you and your like think the very works that free you from your false dilution of some separation between who you truly be and Nichiren or Shakyamuni and any other buddha would be the ones you who are afraid of your true nature would claim so ingnorantly that they are "Forgery's."

    Your reality does not create your points of view, your points of view create your reality.

    Many things that Nichiren wrote are true from the point of view of people sleepwalking in the 9 world who don't yet know they are already buddhas from time without beginning.

    So every quote above from Nichiren even by Buku is true, even though their are greater truths from a much more enlightened point of view that he is writing to in other gosho.

    If you read all of his gosho and chant about which is true based on the reality you choose to manifest-your true enlightened nature-and which is true based on people in the 13th century of Japan, you will know which is the most empowering of his teaching.

    You can also do muscle testing (aka Energy testing or applied kinesiology) to find out what your true self perceives as true or false, but I have already done that test and the daimoku test and life test, and I know that I'm a Buddha from time without beginning and I don't even need the Ongi Kuden to tell me, because Nichiren wrote it so clearly in many other great writings, most of which you and your group of doubters will try to claim are "Forgeries." But you are not the reality police and our greater reality, is expanding.

    People of many faiths are starting to have the conscious awareness that they too are infinate beings, so their is no way to put in back in the cage.

    The SGI has spread throughout the globe and it is expanding everyday in the most remote corners of the world, because we are the only ones that are putting Nichiren's most enlightened writings into practice and transforming this reality into a lotus pond.

    Be in the dark if you want, but you can come into the light. The choice is yours.

  40. Infinite beings are wise, honest, and humble. You are ignorant, dishonest, and arrogant. This is Mappo. Thanks to organizations like the SGI, the Sunni and Shiite Muslims, and the evangelical Christians, it will remain Mappo for a VERY long time.

    You are the problem Tim, not the solution. The Lotus Sutra, not Ikedaism, is the solution. Relying on the Lotus Sutra and the authentic writings of Nichiren [rather than forgeries, false history, and Daisaku Ikeda] is the solution. Becoming one with Eternal Buddha Shakyamuni, not one with Ikeda, Jesus, Allah, nor Brahma, is the solution.

    The way to become one with the Eternal Buddha is to chant Namu Myoho renge kyo with the same mind as Nichiren. Let the Eternal Buddha into your heart and mind and you will reveive the same merit, virtue, and benefit as did Nichiren Daishonin. By rejecting the Eternal Buddha, your father, for the Buddha's sick and twisted cousin, you destry your seed for becoming a Buddha in this very life.

  41. tim, this is your opportunity to get on the correct path. your next opportunity may not be for kalpas. open your eyes and don't be a fool.

  42. Your statement about letting the "eternal buddha, Shakyamuni" into your heart, sounds a whole hell of a lot like Christianity, with a new mascot. You put one of many buddhas on a pedestal and are worshiping him like he's a god, which is not Buddhism at all, not even Shakyamuni's Buddhism.

    Daisaku Ikeda, Josie Toda, Nichiren Daishonin, Shakyamuni, Makiguchi and many other buddhas were real leaders, because they all taught that we are all equal to them, "with no distinctions!"

    That is why you will never understand the SGI.

    My heart is infinite, so I'll let even your interesting points of view (because thats all the are is interesting points of view) into my heart, because my heart is as expansive as the universe, it won't make any difference to me or any other buddha throughout the universe (because your thoughts and your words are just a drop in an infinite ocean of consciousness).

    Yes an infinite being can be any energy he of she wishes to be, at any given moment, and it doesn't diminish them in the slightest, so if I choose to be "ignorant, dishonest, and arrogant," I can do that too. Or I can choose to be "wise, honest, and humble," but right now I'm choosing to be AWAKE.

    Good morning from Japan my precious children.

  43. Mappo is one side of the coin. Turn it over and you will see this is the land of eternal tranquil light.

  44. Everything is the opposite of what it appears to be.
    Nothing is the opposite of what it appears to be.
    Everything is the exact opposite of what it appears to be.
    Nothing is the opposite of what it appears to be.
    Everything is really the opposite of what it appears to be.
    Everything is the opposite of what it appears to be.
    Nothing is the opposite of what it appears to be.
    Everything is the exact opposite of what it appears to be.
    Nothing is the opposite of what it appears to be.
    Everything is really the opposite of what it appears to be.
    Everything is the opposite of what it appears to be.
    Nothing is the opposite of what it appears to be.
    Everything is the exact opposite of what it appears to be.
    Nothing is the opposite of what it appears to be.
    Everything is really the opposite of what it appears to be.

    Welcome to the matrix, the answer is the question.


    Do you think Nichiren was lying or being circumspect?

    You are a faithless brainwashed unlearned cult member who practices Ikedaism, not Nichiren Daishonin's Lotus Sutra Buddhism. You should immediately cease calling yourself a Nichiren Buddhist. "Just another Buddha", referring to your father Shakyamuni Buddha, is your ticket to the Avici Hell.

  46. "A commentary says, 'Originally one followed this Buddha and for the first time conceived the desire to seek the way. And by following this Buddha again, one will reach the stage where there is no retrogression.' Another commentary says, 'In the beginning one followed this Buddha or bodhisattva and formed a bond with him, and so it will be through this Buddha or bodhisattva that one will attain one’s goal.' Above all, be sure to follow your original teacher so that you are able to attain Buddhahood. Shakyamuni Buddha is the original teacher for all people, and moreover, he is endowed with the virtues of sovereign and parent. Because I have expounded this teaching, I have been exiled and almost killed. As the saying goes, “Good advice grates on the ear.'

    He was exiled and almost killed for this teaching but you and your lowlife mentor would alter it and teach others contrary to Nichiren. Nichiren himself says of those like you and your mentor:

    "In the same way, to forget the original teacher who had brought one the water of wisdom from the great ocean of the Lotus Sutra and instead follow another would surely cause one to sink into the endless sufferings of birth and death."

  47. I pity you Tim. But its not too late. Send me your name and address and your worthless Nichikan Gohonzon and I will mount Nichiren's beautiful and powerful Gohonzon for the Transmission of the Dharma on a fine hanging scroll of your choosing so that you will experience the same benefit as Nichiren and the members of the Kempon Hokke. I will also send you ten of our Sutra books. Then you can lead your wife to, to the Eternal Land of Quiescent Light.

  48. apparently tim, you don't realize how crazy you are starting to sound. here we speak of the teachings of shakyamuni and his emissary for the latter age, nichiren. no one cares about your arbitrary ramblings. makiguchi, toda and ikeda did not teach what you claim and now all three(according to the teachings) reside in the avichi hotel. the sgi makes up their history and hides the truth. yes,everything in the sgi is the exact opposite of what the truth is.

  49. Yes, no one on this site cares that they are a buddhas from time without beginning and they are equal to all other buddhas including Shakyamuni, Nichiren and the many others I listed, because you all don't understand Shakyamuni when he says in the Lotus Sutra, "in the beginning (i.e. Time without beginning) I made a great vow to make all people equal to me with no distinctions."

    So obviously, if you negate your own Buddhahood and that of others, you believe he never fulfilled his vow.

    Well regardless of what you all believe, reality is he did fulfill his vow and we are all Buddhas from Time Without Beginning.

    Come out of the cave and wake up to Shakyamuni's great vow.

  50. tim, all you have said is nonsense. sgi has poisoned your mind to believe in theoretical buddhism. once again as i have stated before, theoretical ichinen sanzen is not the same as actual ichinen sanzen. how absurd you and your ridiculous sgi phonies are. reality is different than fantasy. because sgi does not have faith in, or practice real buddhism but instead does nothing but slanders myoho renge kyo, you all will be going to hell according to the teachings. this is also why you and your sgi cannot understand nichirens lotus sutra buddhism. your three presidents are already there waiting in hell for you. what the sgi has you believing is equivalent to the christians telling their deluded flock that they are all god or jesus christ. how cruel and desperate is your sgi? pure evil, pure evil. i suggest you really read nichirens teachings and look at his life and his experience. then you may come to see the difference between fantasy and actual ichinen sanzen. also, i refer you back to a quote from nichiren halfway up the page that begins with "those that fall into the evil paths....". this applies to you and your evil sgi. no one here is negating anyones potential to buddhahood. we are saying no one in the gakkai can express buddhahood because slanders and those who oppose the buddhas dharma cannot attain buddhahood and will fall into hell. this is exactly what nichiren taught.

  51. Do all Buddhas from time without beginning have to sign a pledge to never be alone with an SGI Young Lion, or only SGI Buddhas from time without beginning?

  52. I've been a Buddha before SGI and I'm a buddha with SGI or not. But I prefer to hang around the happy people who changing their lives and changing the world. But it's been fun talking with you doubters who think they as on a journey to buddhahood, when they can already be it.

    You guys are all quite childish, but as all children are you quite funny.

    But back to the original topic of this post, brought on by Nancy (thank you). The video I made of the live healing with the lady in California that I posted above.

    She has emailed me that she has seen amazing changes in her life and we are going to do a follow up call in a week or so and will post the video of her incredible changes.

    Didn't even know who she was or what problems she had before she asked me to do the healing, but it's so great that we are all energy and energy knows no bounds and it doesn't matter that I'm in Japan and she's in southern California.

    Peace, love and light, my little children!

  53. All of life comes to me with easy, joy and glory!

  54. we are in touch with the real teachings of the buddha and you are stuck in gakkai-land which is equivalent to fantasy-land.

    the benefit of correct practice is to be fully awake. this is what buddha means. as long as you remain tethered to the gak you will remain asleep and in fantasy-land. how's your mentor doing? have you spoke with him lately? have you seen him lately? lately means in last year.

  55. My mentor and I are one. Even when he passes away, just like I am one with my mentors, Shakyamuni, Tien Tai, Nichiren, Makiguchi, Toda, and many others. There is no separation, because we are oneness. We don't need to go see each other.

  56. he,he,he. you wish.

    ikedas already gone. the sgi lies about everything.

  57. SGI koolaid is an excellent sedative. The true teachings, the bold reality of the Buddha, is like a tasty cappucino. I will make one for you Tim

  58. "People of many faiths are starting to have the conscious awareness that they too are infinate beings, so their is no way to put in back in the cage."

    SGI member: "Right Tim. Only those wicked Kempon Hokke members who actually follow Nichiren believe that all those who embrace other faiths are destined for hell."

  59. sure tim, thats why the world is getting worse instead of better. wake up.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Kempon Hokke wacky? I should have left your insane comments for all to see but no self promotion, no SGI promotion, and no personal financial promotion is allowqed on my blog. Your six character Daimoku and worship of Ikeda as mentor is what has poisoned your mind. You have destroyed your castle from within.

  62. You only delete my comments because you can't handle the truth and you only like monologues and are afraid of dialogues. Keep talking to yourself but no one is listening!

  63. Maybe you didn't understand Tim, "no self promotion, no SGI promotion, and no personal financial promotion is allowed on my blog." SGI blogs, forums, groups, and videos are the most moderated and censored places on the net. Who are you kidding? No one but yourself and the people. Certainly, you are not kidding us, we who know the real SGI and their brainwashed members.

    1. Did you catch the Chicago KOTO Reiki healer?

  64. I never engaged in "self promotion." It was Nancy AKA Buku since the beginning of this post that has been promoting me. (I simply thanked her for that unneeded promotion and told her the results of that promotion.) Calling me a "high level SGI" person in the first post? I was 13 years ago a vice regional leader of the young men's division in Orange County, California and an area leader of the YMD in the same area at the same time, before I resigned both positions (promoting a chapter YMD deader to my area position) to become a full time student at Soka University of America in 2001. Although I went to some 5 by 5 meetings with national and zone level leaders at the time, I would not call that a "high level" position. Since graduating from SUA in 2005, I have lived in Japan, and because I am not fluent in Japanese, I have not taken on any official position ever, even I was unofficial leader of the English Group in Sendai for a while, not much of a high level position. So this whole article has just been riddled with falsehood by Nancy Buku and others and all I have tried to do is set the record straight like any ethical Buddhist would as far as Buku Nancy's claim of there being some code of conduct for SGI leaders, I was never "high up" enough to ever be informed of such a thing.

  65. There are only two possibilities regarding your denial of knowledge of the SGI Code of Conduct: You are ignorant [of it] or you or lying. If you are ignorent of it, you should thank me for enlightening you. If you are lying, it is in character for SGI leaders. If a vice YMD REGIONAL leader is not a high level leader [just under national leader] then we don't understand the concept of high level leader. Were what you say true, then even senior leaders such as Chapter and Area leaders are low level leaders, to say nothing of Distict and Group leaders. Is this what low regard your National leaders have for your efforts, are you employing false humility, or are you giving yourself an out that your views are not necessarily those of the Soka Gakkai? Were it the latter, it is a most cowardly stance.

  66. No, vice regional is below regional, which is below vice zone leader, with is below zone leader, which is below vice national leader, which is below national leader and there are many other sub-levels in between. But anyway in the SGI leadership isn't really important, the members are the most important. Leaders are just there to serve the members and to help the organization have some continuity of perspective and practice, and to help offer guidance to people struggling in their faith.

    The fact that as a vice regional leader I never heard of the idea of a "code of conduct" only means one of two things, either there is no such thing or if there is, it is just a guideline, like every other guideline given to leaders to help facilitate them in doing what is best for the members. When I was growing up in the 1970s in orange county, the hippy members and leaders used to wait until the Japanese members left the meetings before they went in the back room to smoke marijuana. Now if that is in some kind of code of conduct, that you should keep your pot smoking to your own time and not do it at meetings I think that would be OK, at least for the states where marijuana is still illegal.

    Also, in the 80s, when I was on the 4th story of a gymnastics 5 story tower and 3 guys on the 2nd level decided to go out in the back of the San Diego Sport's Arena and smoke out a little before going on stage and I knew and I was so scared they would drop me (luckily they didn't).

    So if such things like this that have happened in the past with members or leaders were in some kind of guide line book which might be called "a code of conduct," I think that would be a good thing for some people who are not that good at using common sense, but I have never heard of such a book or seen such a code of conduct.

    Now if there is one that I have never been privy to, I don't see what the problem with that would be. Especially if the organization wants to avoid law suits from people who happened to be leaders who might also not be too good and knowing what is common sense or not and just become someone is given a leadership position in any organization doesn't mean they are immune to making stupid mistakes. Leaders are just as human and fallible as any members are, and for an organization that is growing by leaps and bounds to many other religious organization it is very easy to have new leaders that need some basic guide lines to know how not to conduct themselves and leaders.

  67. "Leaders are just there to serve the members."

    ...and to earn big bucks off the members donations. You are a mark Tim. They are selling the daimoku, peace, culture, and education. You bought quite a lot and they [the Japanese senior leaders] are laughing all the way to the bank.

  68. "...even persons in the lowest category of ordinary mortals will enter the stage of Buddhahood within the space of a single lifetime and achieve perfect enlightenment." Nichiren Page 208, Volume II (from Explaining the Causation of the Ten Worlds, written in 1260)

    What are you all waiting for? The end of your life? Are you not even as wise as "the lowest category of ordinary mortals"? How long will you have to chant and even if you vocalize the silent U or not, to realize you always have been a Buddha?

    Through off your transient nature and reveal your true identity.

    Anyone on this site can be a fool and claim this writing too is not the "authentic writing of Nichiren own hands" but it won't change the truth of its words." -- Tim Janokos

    1). This writing is neither found in the Rokunai nor Rokugai collection of writings, so of course it is suspect.

    2). Please point out to me who in SGI has attained Buddhahood, one endowed with the ten honorific attributes of the Buddha?

    3). You still haven't addressed the issues of the Code of Conduct for SGI "Buddhas" and the need for a Buddha to receive guidance.

    4). As for your other post that I am finally getting to,

    "Your statement about letting the "eternal buddha, Shakyamuni" into your heart, sounds a whole hell of a lot like Christianity, with a new mascot."

    5). I could be flippant and say, better a lion then a tapeworm [Ikeda] for a mascot but it would be better to get to the point. You should rather take it up with Nichiren who stated,

    "Yet it was not I, Nichiren, who made these three important pronouncements. Rather it was in all cases the spirit of the Thus Come One Shakyamuni that had entered into my body. And having personally experienced this, I am beside myself with joy." -- The Selection of the Time, one of Nichiren Daishonin's 5 major writings

    Obviously, you have never experienced such joy or you wouldn't berate Shakyamuni Buddha as a mascot nor confuse the meager joy of letting Daisaku Ikeda or Jesus into your heart with the absolute blissful joy of having Shakyamni Buddha enter your body. sakyamuni Buddha needs no permission to enter into the mind and bodies of a votary of Lotus Sutra. This is proof, neither you nor your fellow SGI members are votaries of the Lotus Sutra. You are votaries of Ikedaism. You are fools.

  69. What Gohonzon are you chanting to now? Do you still have the KHS Gohonzon?


  70. Hi Dee. I still and will always have The Gohonzon for the Transmission of the Dharma.
