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Sunday, March 27, 2016

Worst SGI lecture on the Lotus Sutra yet?


  1. Worst in more ways than one:
    13m40s - I wondered when in the talk they were going to find a way around reliance on the Law to head off the natural question "so if I can rely on the Law, why do I need a mentor?" and sure enough this is where they do it.

    Perversely they put forward the same solution that they have just spent time undermining that you need someone who has actually achieved oneness with the Law. That's presented in a way that suggests Ikeda has in done in a hinted 'stable state' like the Buddha.

    Does Daiseku Ikeda look like a person who radiates happiness and Buddhahood?

    If there are any UK SGI members out there, take a look at the photo of him and his wife in the January 2015 edition of AoL (New Years message). His face radiates no happiness or lines of such from this supposed lifetime of achievement.

    He looks vacant, he is staring blankly at something up to the left of the camera (from the viewers perspective). His wife looks tense with a fixed smile and is leaning sightly away from him. The whole picture looks uncomfortable.

    Now take a look at the face of Nichidatsu Fujii [1885-1985] (nicknamed Guruji by Ghandi himself) when he was older than Ikeda (or Google other images).

    Did anyone else notice how they use "mentor" to refer to the Buddha and then start using it to refer to Daisaku Ikeda? Neat way of associating completely different things in the minds of believers.

    This is what Nichiren has to say about his experience of relying solely on the Law, the rest is history:

    "Why did I first begin to chant as I do? Bodhisattva Superior Practices is the one destined to make his advent in this world to propagate the five characters of Myoho-renge-kyo. But before he had even appeared, I began, as though speaking in a dream, hardly aware of what I was doing, to utter the words Nam(u)-myoho-renge-kyo, and so I chant them now. In the end, is this a good thing I do, or a bad thing? I do not know, nor can anyone else tell for certain." (On Repaying Debts of Gratitude).

    To puncture the illusion of essential need for a mentor to transmit the Law, all one has to do is ask, "who was Mr Makaguchi's mentor?" And then ask, "Why don't we hear anything about him?". And if Daisaku Ikeda pulled off such a supposed great feat how did he manage it and why can't other ordinary people do just the same? According to Nichiren they can, we all can.

    So what has Ikeda actually done other than the same kind of thing that Donald Trump has? Can't claim religious growth, that all happened when NST were involved and arguably SGI was closer to the notions of faith and Gosho. Can't claim peace, Ikeda only started writing his Peace Proposals in the early 1980's, very late for an organisation that claims to be dedicated to it. And is there one shred of evidence that any country has taken note or done anything in response?

    So just what has he done to live the Bodhisattva way other than writing books and publishing mags that say he has and gotten quite rich on the proceeds?

    I'd laugh if it wasn't so sad, harmful and didn't take so much advantage of ordinary, hard working often sincere people, fleecing them and their families of their hard earned cash and precious time, screwing them, their children and relationships up in the process. But of course if that happens its not the SGI and the "Mentor's" fault, it's their lack of faith or coz they didn't donate enough cash or tine it weren't sincere enough if they did.

    It stinks.

  2. Its a grave yard religion. They sell single graves on land that was bought with the members donations and then sell it back to them for up to $10,000 each. If the members that don't have the cash they are organised a loan by the Gakkai with interest. (how kind)

    The Gakkai also has companies that are involved in the funeral business. Members are made to feel obliged to buy a grave so they can help the poor Soka Gakkai make ends meet thus creating benefit for a glorious future...what a crock of that really stinks too

    1. Hello Jewelglow, In regards to not having the cash, I know a Japanese woman who used to live in Japan and used to be a member of the Soka Gakkai. She told me that even if one had the cash to pay for a plot, one still had to pay for it with a loan obtained through the Mitsubishi bank

  3. Worst in more ways than one:
    13m40s - I wondered when in the talk they were going to find a way around reliance on the Law to head off the natural question "so if I can rely on the Law, why do I need a mentor?" and sure enough this is where they do it.

    Perversely they put forward the same solution that they have just spent time undermining that you need someone who has actually achieved oneness with the Law. That's presented in a way that suggests Ikeda has in done in a hinted 'stable state' like the Buddha.

    Does Daiseku Ikeda look like a person who radiates happiness and Buddhahood?

    If there are any UK SGI members out there, take a look at the photo of him and his wife in the January 2015 edition of AoL (New Years message). His face radiates no happiness or lines of such from this supposed lifetime of achievement.

    He looks vacant, he is staring blankly at something up to the left of the camera (from the viewers perspective). His wife looks tense with a fixed smile and is leaning sightly away from him. The whole picture looks uncomfortable.

    Now take a look at the face of Nichidatsu Fujii [1885-1985] (nicknamed Guruji by Ghandi himself) when he was older than Ikeda (or Google other images).

    Did anyone else notice how they use "mentor" to refer to the Buddha and then start using it to refer to Daisaku Ikeda? Neat way of associating completely different things in the minds of believers.

    This is what Nichiren has to say about his experience of relying solely on the Law, the rest is history:

    "Why did I first begin to chant as I do? Bodhisattva Superior Practices is the one destined to make his advent in this world to propagate the five characters of Myoho-renge-kyo. But before he had even appeared, I began, as though speaking in a dream, hardly aware of what I was doing, to utter the words Nam(u)-myoho-renge-kyo, and so I chant them now. In the end, is this a good thing I do, or a bad thing? I do not know, nor can anyone else tell for certain." (On Repaying Debts of Gratitude).

    To puncture the illusion of essential need for a mentor to transmit the Law, all one has to do is ask, "who was Mr Makaguchi's mentor?" And then ask, "Why don't we hear anything about him?". And if Daisaku Ikeda pulled off such a supposed great feat how did he manage it and why can't other ordinary people do just the same? According to Nichiren they can, we all can.

    So what has Ikeda actually done other than the same kind of thing that Donald Trump has? Can't claim religious growth, that all happened when NST were involved and arguably SGI was closer to the notions of faith and Gosho. Can't claim peace, Ikeda only started writing his Peace Proposals in the early 1980's, very late for an organisation that claims to be dedicated to it. And is there one shred of evidence that any country has taken note or done anything in response?

    So just what has he done to live the Bodhisattva way other than writing books and publishing mags that say he has and gotten quite rich on the proceeds?

    I'd laugh if it wasn't so sad, harmful and didn't take so much advantage of ordinary, hard working often sincere people, fleecing them and their families of their hard earned cash and precious time, screwing them, their children and relationships up in the process. But of course if that happens its not the SGI and the "Mentor's" fault, it's their lack of faith or coz they didn't donate enough cash or tine it weren't sincere enough if they did.

    It stinks.

  4. I noticed. The old SGI bait and switch.
