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Friday, July 12, 2013

“No worldly affairs of life or work are ever contrary to the true reality.”

In the secular realm, there are degrees of offenses and degrees of merit. Smoking a joint on the New York subway will get you a violation while plotting and carrying out the murder of your spouse gets you life without parole. Hitting mud with your fist gets you dirty and hitting a rock gets you a fracture. Helping a little old lady across the street gets you a thank you while inventing a cure for leukemia gets you the Nobel Prize in medicine. In the realm of  Buddhist Law, loving kindness leads one to the Brahma Heaven [repeated rebirth in the Realm of Rapture], while defending the True Law leads to Buddhahood and rebirth in the Realm of Buddha.

1 comment:

  1. And slander of the law gets you big trouble in little lifey for a long,long time.
    信恵 什門流
