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Friday, July 12, 2013

On Worry

"Worry has nothing to do with Buddhism. if you worry and voice your concerns, your faith is weak. Taking decisive action is the key." -- SGI Senior Leader

“Though the parents love all their children equally, they worry most about the sick child.” — True Object of Worship
“My only worry is that her life may be as short-lived as dew; therefore, I am praying with all my might for the heavenly gods to protect her.” — Reply to Kyo’o
“But I still worry whether you will maintain your faith to the end, and feel as if I were treading on thin ice or facing a drawn sword.” — Reply to Niiiama
“Not knowing what thoughts you have in your hearts, I worry about you a great deal.” — Letter to the Brothers
“Actually I am relieved when those who have wives and children to worry about keep their distance from me out of fear of the world’s reaction.” — Reply to the Lay Priest Takahashi
You and your mentor love to make things up and you are confused.  Worry is a part of Buddhism and a part of life and “decisive action” is nothing extraordinary. Even animals take decisive action.

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