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Sunday, July 7, 2013

Response to Clyde

"Obviously, many people mistake the void as a nihil negativum, rather than a nihil privativum. On a closer look, a nihil negativum is unthinkable. We can only deny something that exists. There is no absolute nothingness. The doctrine of anatta uses a nihil privativum, it defines the aggregates to be empty of self like the dark means the absence of light. No one would of course conclude from that "light does not exists'" -- Clyde
The Lotus Sutra reverses the prior teachings of the Buddha. The Aggregates themselves, this very body and mind, the body and minds of others, and the body and nature [mind] of the environment are the repository of self. There are those people who see the Buddha in all things substantial and insubstantial and those who do not. It is difficult to see the Buddha. Those who do, have ended suffering. Those who don't, are still in its throws.

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