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Saturday, July 13, 2013

Singapore Ikeda cult is pretty bad

i.  “On what basis can you say that the General Director is wrong?” – MD Senior Leaders
ii.  “Even if the General Director is wrong, you must follow” – MD Senior Leaders
iii  “When you point out the mistakes of the General Director, it is equal to faulting the entire organization” – MD and YMD Top Leaders

iv. “The General Director is appointed by Sensei, so how can the General Director be wrong!” – Top Leaders

Such statements indicate the misconceptions that the General Director is infallible and absolute.  It creates a wrong perception that by pointing out the mistakes or disagreeing with the General Director, one is going against Sensei.  A senior Japan leader once mentioned: “When we follow Sensei, we are supporting the General Director”.  This statement is so true and not the other way round, which is what the top leaders claimed!" -- SSA cult member

but Italy Ikeda cult is ten times worse. I know. Been there done that.

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