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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Some "intelligent" criticism of NO ALLA SOKA GAKKAI, an Italian anti-SGI website

"I am a member of Soka Gakkai and I am writing to you after reading your article ... it is disconcerting for me to determine the amount of crap that is collected on your page "

"... I suggest you delete all the crap you write against the Soka Gakkai, otherwise I'll do it for you."

"... All you do is attack. For a true Buddhist it is a shame but since YOU'RE NOT a true Buddhist, I understand why you act that way. ... "

"I have nothing to add except that I shall undertake to fully investigate the purpose of your website and whether it violates articles of the Italian constitution"

1 comment:

  1. he should leave the sgi immediately. then try to practice real buddhism.

    ikeda da da, president for life. lol
