Hirotatsu Fujiwara, PHD, 1970
Nisshin Hodo Co.
Tokyo, Japan
The Gross Desecration of Humanity
"They painstakingly approach those who have lost their family,
those who are sick, whose business has failed, who have been
fired from their job, and to these who have suffered such misfortunes
they say: "This has happened because you believe in an evil religion.
Believe in Soka Gakkai!"
Apart from the intention of the individual member, we must recognize
a sadistic abnormality in the choice of such tactics, which seek to
accomplish their aims while disregarding a person's humanity.
Toward members, or toward those who are prospective members,
who are suffering, they try to heal their wounds, but toward those
they consider to be their enemies they try to pry open the wound
and aggravate it. Their mutual spiritual assistance applies only to
those who are members of Soka Gakkai but they have no concern
for the human rights of those they consider to be their enemies and
scornfully ignore them.
Publicly they advocate "the dignity of man", however, when they
say that death is a punishment of heretical beliefs why are they
entitled to advocate "the dignity of man?"
The sentimental ethics, by which they enshrine only President Ikeda
and swear absolute obedience to him, even to joyfully die for his sake,
is a morality of those who do not know the dignity of even their own
humanity. How do those who are unable to appreciate their own
human dignity, appreciate the life and human dignity of others?
They will do anything for the purpose of proving their blind obedience
or blind loyalty toward the organization, for example, even murder,
if the voice of their President commands it. Members used as tools,
Dietmen used as tools, a political group used as tools, are springing
up continuously. President Ikeda has stated: "I am the founder of Komeito."
He also has said: "My word is to become the Constitution of Soka Gakkai."
"I am the State!! This is the word of Louis XIV under the Ancien Regime.
Is President Ikeda thinking: "I am Komeito, I am Soka Gakkai?" This is
precisely a tendency we must fear.
When this sort of group, a group of fanatical believers is engaged in
political strife, I can't help thinking of the cruelty of the Inquisition,
which resembles the "witch hunting" of the Middle Ages.
This is because religion allows no compromise. In the name of religion,
strife among peoples has fomented desecration of mankind itself as
the history of all ages and all nations records, and even at the present
time, we can cite as examples the conflicts in Northern Ireland and the
Middle East. In this present-day, the religious political party which
ignores this history, and which curses others, is it not guilty of the
greatest of crimes against society and can we possibly be too seriously
concerned about the future danger of this party?"
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