"Nichiren says Lotus Sutra but means DaiGohonzon."
"Nichiren says Lord Shakyamuni Buddha but means DaiGohonzon."
"Nichiren says Lord Shakyamuni Buddha but means Nichiren."
"Nichiren says all believers but means the SGI."
"Nichiren says Lotus Sutra but means Namu Myoho renge kyo."
"Nichiren says all believers but means the High Priest of Nichiren Shoshu."
"Nichiren says the DaiGohonzon..."(though he never mentions the DaiGohonzon)
"Nichiren says the High Priest of True Buddhism...."(though he never mentions the High Priest of True Buddhism).
"Nichiren says the Buddha of Kuon Kanjo..."(but never mentions Kuon Ganjo).
"Nichiren says Shakyamuni Buddha but means Buddha-nature."
I may live another 40 years or only another 40 seconds but as long as I live, I will hold the SGI and the Nichiren Shoshu accountable for their lies and the malevolent leaders of this world too.