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Sunday, April 6, 2014

Breaking the Bubble by Stephanie Maltz

"All the people in Japan as well as the rest of the whole world should revere the Lord Buddha Shakyamuni (Original and Eternal Buddha) revealed in the essential section (hommon) of the Lotus Sutra as the object of worship (honzon). That is to say, the object worshiped should be the Buddha Shakyamuni and Taho Buddha in the Stupa of Treasures. The other Buddhas standing outside the stupa and four bodhisattvas such as Visistacarita should be their attendants." (Hoon-jo Gosho) 

No one in the Sokagakkai or Nichiren Shoshu worship the Lotus Sutra. They  read the sutra, looking at it as only words. Never mind that both Nichiren and Shakyamuni said the Lotus Sutra is the vehicle that has enlightened all Buddhas throughout the Three Existences. 

I was with the Gakkai/NSA from 1968 to 1975, so I'm intimately acquainted with their "inner workings".  There are no surprises for me when it comes to NST/SGI. I am familiar with the psychology of SGI and Nichiren Shoshu. I've walked both roads. 

Unless you chant and believe in authentic Nichiren Gohonzons (True Object of Worship), even for a little while, then you haven't experienced the practice.  After all, there was no Gakkai or Shoshu Cults in the 13th century. Everyone was on their own. The practice was real then. Like I said, I've walked both roads so I speak from experience.... practice within the SGI is not the real thing nor is it in the NST.   

In fact, both cults destroy faith in the Lotus Sutra. They discard the Eternal Buddha of the Lotus Sutra for a 17th century idea that Nichiren is the true Buddha.  f you can find a single reference in Nichiren's own writings about this idea, or about the so-called Dai-gohonzon, I'll convert.   

I'll also send out a press release to the thousands of scholars and Nichiren experts who haven't found any evidence either over the last 500 years. What amazes me is that SGI and Shoshu members aren't even curious to see what Nichiren's authentic Gohonzons look like.   

Don't you ever worry that you've bought into the Shoshu-SGI Cult without doing a background check?  A friend of mine just walked away from SGI after 25 years of SGI practice. Five years from now, you may be in the same place. SGI and Shoshu will certainly change by then.  At that time, you'll regret that you did the wrong practice, to the wrong honzon, with the wrong philosophy.  All the "causes" that you think you are making toward your enlightenment are not worth anything in terms of Nichiren's own philosophy. 

I don't think you're [SGI and NST members] are open enough to discussion, so I assume this will be enough between you and me. I don't want to waste any time with discussions that defend the Soka Gakkai, Daisaku Ikeda, or the Nichiren Shoshu or their revised history. The issue is what is taught in the Lotus Sutra and what Nichiren said.  Everything else is a non-issue. 

The only thing you prove, Craig [NST] and Lori SGI], is that the minds of SokaGakkai and Shoshu cult victims are manipulated and twisted into grotesque dishonesties ranging from accepting doctrinal irrationalities, secret mystical principles, adopting politically correct insanities, and embracing the destructive actions of harmful sensei's, priests, and leaders. Thus, you are dragged into an irrational world. You lose your potential for eternal growth, health, and happiness with the Law and Shakyamuni Buddha.

When you accept an irrational Buddhist doctrine as normal, a closed bubble forms around you. Each bubble assumes its own wobbly size and shape to accommodate the dishonesties, false logic, and rationalizations required to live `normally' with the irrational doctrines of Taisekiji and Daisaku Ikeda. 

In your bubble, never squarely standing on reality, you never develop real strength and spiritual power. You are never anchored in objective reality but always trapped in illusions. Floating in a bubble, often upside down, you can never experience the world of the Eternal Buddha with its limitless freedom. 

Today, almost all members in the SokaGakkai's and Taisekiji's grasp live in such bubbles, floating detached from the reality of the Lotus Sutra.  Those bubbles are easily pushed around in directions that support false priests and leaders. Those false "priests and leaders" lack any real power to produce genuine values for themselves and others. Such parasites survive by manipulating the dishonesties of Taisekiji and the Gakkai  Perverted Buddhism. They learn how to maneuver or force everyone's bubble of belief into supporting their own destructive lives. 

Until the Lotus Sutra, no one realized that conscious beings need not live chained. Taisekiji is unreal -- created entirely from illusions and hoaxes by parasitical priests and leaders. False leaders and priests live as they have for nearly a millennia: By promoting their fraudulent agendas. 

But, today, through the Lotus Sutra, all people can begin to recognize the Eternal Buddha. That recognition begins the journey into truth and honesty which will begin to dissolve the bubble of Taisekiji's false doctrines.  When the bubble breaks, with a correct faith and practice, one lands upright, firmly planted on reality. From that solid position, one reigns over reality throughout the universe, never again threatened or manipulated by illusions. 

Once someone breaks his or her bubble of Taisekaji's and SGI's misleading doctrines, the unreal world of Taisekiji and  Soka Gakkai  is revealed as nothing but a nightmare of illusions.  That person then becomes a believer of the Lotus Sutra.. That person captures the limitless power of truth and the Lotus Sutra. 

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