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Saturday, April 12, 2014

Sensei's backyard barbecue

(Scene 1: several friends and neighbors, Buddhist and non-Buddhist alike conversing in someones backyard) 

SNAB (Still not a Buddhist): Man, I'm hungry. I didn't eat all day. (while smelling the barbecue in another neighbors backyard) I would sure love a piece of that chicken. It smells so good. 

SGI member from the house across the street: At the General meeting yesterday, Sensei was so thoughtful. He sent so much food for the members out of gratitude for our efforts. There were even left overs. Wait a  minute, I'll be back in a jiffy. (He runs over to his house to bring back the food). 

SNAB: I can't wait for Jim to bring the food.

Nichiren Believer: "Me too. Harry (the neighbor barbecueing) is an unbelievable chef. He makes the best ribs and chicken and his shish-kebobs melt in your mouth. 

SNAB (hears Harry's family raving about Harry's barbecued chicken and ribs: "What's keeping Jim." 

Nichiren Shoshu member, whose backyard they are sitting in: "Here, have another beer while we are waiting." (He gives a beer to the Nichiren believer and SNAB). I'm so glad I left the SGI. The High Priest Nikken, really knows what he is talking about...."(SNAB unable to concentrate on what the Nichiren Shoshu member is saying because the wind just shifted and the smokey barbecue smell just entered his nose while Nichiren believer looks on incredulously)  

Nichiren believer: "Namu myoho renge kyo works. You can access Buddhahood by your own efforts as long as you embrace the correct object of worship." 

Nichiren Shoshu member: "Yeh, but only if you follow the High Priest". 

SGI member (comes a runnin' with two plastic bags filled to the brim with food): "Sensei is so great" 

SNAB: who is practically dizzy from hunger: "Yeah, he must be" 

(Jim unpacks the "goodies", two dozen stale, day old Duncan donuts and boloney sandwiches with mayonnaise. 

SNAB and the Nichiren Shoshu believer are left mouth agape while the Nichiren believer jumps up chanting aloud and rushes over to Harry the next door chef, "My friend is a hypoglycemic and needs something to eat quick or he will pass out."  Harry loads up a tray of shish-kebobs and the friends eat contentedly, even Jim. 

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