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Monday, April 14, 2014

SGI leaders and Nichiren Shoshu priests are so base that they are beyond description [because they kill Shakyamuni Buddha]

"Shakyamuni is the father, sovereign and teacher of all other Buddhas and all gods, of the whole assembly of men and heavenly beings, and of all sentient beings.  What god would rejoice if Shakyamuni were killed?  Today all the people of our country have proved to be enemies of Shakyamuni, but more than lay men and women, it is the priests with twisted understanding who are the Buddha's worst enemies.  There are two kinds of understanding, true and perverted.  No matter how learned a person may appear, if his ideas are warped you should not listen to him.  Nor should you follow priests merely because they are venerable or of high rank.  But if a person has the wisdom to know the spirit of the Lotus Sutra, no matter how lowly he may appear, worship him and serve him as though he were a living Buddha. This is stated in the sutra.  That is why the Great Teacher Dengyo said that lay men and women who believe in this sutra, even if they lack knowledge or violate the precepts, should be seated above Hinayana priests who who strictly observe all 250 commandments.  The priests of this Mahayana sutra should therefore be seated even higher. Ryokan of Gokuraku-ji temple is believed to be a living Buddha, but men and women who believe in the Lotus Sutra should be seated high above him.  It seems extraordinary that this Ryokan, who observes the 250 commandments, should become angry and glower whenever he sees or hears about Nichiren. The sage, it seems, has been possessed by a devil.  He is like a basically even-tempered person who, when drunk, reveals an evil side and causes trouble.  The Buddha taught that giving alms to Mahakashyapa, Shariputra, Maudgalyayana and Subhuti, who did not yet know of the Lotus Sutra, would lead one to fall into the three evil paths.  He said that these four great disciples were more base than wild dogs or jackals.  They adamantly upheld the 250 Buddhist commandments, and their observance of the three thousand standards was as perfect as the harvest moon.  But until they embraced the Lotus Sutra, they were still like wild dogs to the Buddha.  In comparison, our priests are so base that they are beyond description." 

Who are the priests and laypeople who have abandoned Shakyamuni Buddha and the teachings of the Lotus Sutra? Who are the priests and laypeople who revere Shakyamuni and the Lotus Sutra? Ponder this seriously. 

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