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Saturday, April 5, 2014

The SGI and Nichiren Shoshu sheep have a baaaad doctrine

Both the Nichiren Shoshu and the Soka Gakkai suffer from the same
ailment. A mass of true believers have lined up behind one man's
ideology, one man's charisma, one man's vision. This reeks of the U.S.
attitude my country, right or wrong. In this century, we have seen
where this kind of an attitude can be devastating.

Both groups assert that they are in the right, that they have the
special dispensation to devulge the truth handed to them by Nichiren
himself. Yet, if you study the writings of Nichiren, it is obvious
that they have gone astray. When confronted, neither group can quote
just exactly where Nichiren called himself the Buddha and told us not
to chant to Shakyamuni. Neither group can say exactly where Nichiren
said that his teachings are the sole property of the Soka Gakkai or
Nichiren Shoshu.

The council of christian churches makes more sense than these to
warring "Buddhist" factions. Nichiren Dainshonin debated the issues of
the day and won victories through his superior knowledge of Buddhist
sutras. Both NST and the SGI are too busy fitting the Gosho to their
own beliefs to see what it might actually be saying. Anyone who has
read Ikeda's "Lectures on the Sutra" should be able to see that
clearly with regard to the SGI. Where does the High Priest get the
idea that his is the Buddha?

In a reasonable argument, contraditions cause one to think about the
consequences of those contradictions. Even little things such as
Nichiren carrying a statue of Shakyamuni with him should make a
thinking person wonder.

Why does the temple resist verification of the so-called Dai-Gohonzon?
Why not settle the issue once and for all? It begs the question, is it
a fake? Just exactly who claims that their is a Dai-Gohonzon at all?
The SGI now makes a prospective Buddhist wait 6 months to receive
Gohonzon. They are very strict. You must attend meetings, study, and
follow Ikeda's guidance. This is how Buddhism should be taught, now.
Now that THEY foot the bill for the Gohonzon's, now that THEY have the
responsiblity for the new believer.

When I was young in the NSA, before the split up, I watched them shove
Gohonzons on street people like flyers. Often, these Gohonzons were
tossed in the trash on the way out of the community center. "Don't let
the priest know, he will be angry," was the guidance we received. Is
this how we protect the Gohonzon?

The priests should have kept better watch over the laymen. Cause and
effect, both are at fault. But the money kept rolling in and it kept
SOMEBODY happy. The numbers kept getting higher and it kept SOMEBODY
happy. Most of the membership was not happy, they were too busy to be
able to think, with the constant meeting schedule.

It was quite a time, the early days in the US. Everything was moving
fast. I was told not to worry about my pronouciation of Gongyo, that
would come later. Hurry up, follow the beat, and rush along with the
rest of us. The peaceful river of the Lotus Sutra became a ride
through the rapids then. Study today is like the gongyo of yesterday,
listen to the beat, follow the drummer...

The meetings were not about the sutra or the gosho they were about
BENEFIT. Buddhism works because I got the car I wanted, or my marraige
is off the rocks, or I have a new job. Since the focus was on benefit,
since you were ASKED to tell about your benefits, you saw them around
every corner. If ND's buddhism could have been reduced to one
principle at that time it would be: BENEFIT. I do not believe this
attitude was beneficial to Buddhism.

The NSA Buddhist of that time carried the World Tribune, talked to
anyone about the practice, rushed through Gogyo, and chanted for that
house on the hill until his throat was raw. Now, somewhat older, they
have put away childish things and are on the straight-and-narrow path
to Enlightenment. So they would have us believe.

Yet, I have difficulty forgetting their past. They have no love for
study, they ask few questions, and they accept doctrine as given.
Sheep grazing in the field have more freedom than NST and SGI
Buddhists. If only they would begin to graze on the Lotus Sutra and
the words of Nichiren. Have you ever played the game where you pass a
message around a small circle of friends in secret? When the message
comes full circle, it is something completely different than the
original. If only they would turn from the so-called orally
transmitted teachings of the Daishonin and turn to the verifiable
writings instead.

The trouble is that where there is plenty of grass, the sheep become
docile and easily led. By this standard, both the NST and the SGI are
full of Baa'd doctrine.

Don David Scott

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