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Sunday, April 13, 2014

Why The True Aspect of All Phenomena Gosho is a fake

There are original Gosho written to Sairenbo. This Gosho is not one of them. The Sho Ho Jisso Sho is thought to have been written by three seperate people. This is a conclusion consistent throughout serious Nichiren Buddhist scholarship. The first part was likely a fragment of a real Gosho written by Nichiren. If you notice, the first section is perfectly Orthodox. The text then shifts twice in writing style and pumps in Original Enlightenment idea's.The text not only has no original, but is not listed in any early index nor are there any early copies by reliable sources like Nikko. That is not true of all letters to Sairenbo. Some do. The Sho Ho Jisso Sho does not. It has textual problems and humps a philosophy foriegn to Nichiren's central doctrinal works. Its a fake -- Marc

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