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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Nichiren Shoshu's view: Incomprehensible Death of Daisaku Ikeda's 2nd Oldest Son

Incomprehensible Death of Daisaku Ikeda's 2nd Oldest Son

On October 3rd, 1984, Daisaku Ikeda's second oldest son, Shirohisa Ikeda, died in a Tokyo hospital at the young age of 29. The cause of death was gastric perforation (a hole in the stomach).

Following graduation from Soka University, Shirohisa Ikeda began his career as a staff employee of his alma mater. It is said that Daisaku Ikeda favored Shirohisa very much because his body type was similar to his own and as such, he was commonly regarded as his father's likely successor to lead the Soka Gakkai in the future. So why is it that Shirohisa suddenly died of a gastric perforation which, unless left untreated, is not normally fatal? In the 10th volume of Daisaku Ikeda's novel "Human Revolution," in the chapter called "A Steep Path," there is a passage which reads like a prediction of Ikeda's own son's death: "The father of Ittetsu Okada (who had made a counterfeit honzon) died in agony because of gastric perforation." By making counterfeit wooden honzons, Ikeda, himself, committed just such a grave slander.... And just seven years after the slanders of 1977, Ikeda, like the character in his novel, lost his most beloved son and successor due to gastric perforation. []

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