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Monday, May 26, 2014

The doctrines of God, DaiGohonzon, Nichiren as True Buddha, Ikeda as Eternal Mentor

I had a patient Rosebud R. In 1977 she was diagnosed with colon cancer Dukes Stage C with 5 of 20 extracolonic lymph nodes sampled positive for metastatic disease. She shook it off like a bad cold. Then, 5 years ago, she was diagnosed with inoperable Stage IV bronchogenic carcinoma. She never missed a beat and hardly ever coughs. In december she was having belly pains and an endoscopy revealed cancer of the stomach. Within a week or two, all her symptoms disappeared. She has an appetite like a horse and is more clear of mind  then many of my readers. She attributes all her good fortune to the man upstairs. 

Her experience rivals that of any SGI or Kempon Hokke member but that doesn't make her belief in god correct. From a Buddhist standpoint, her good fortune is the result of the good karma she created for herself since the infinite past through her thoughts, words, and deeds. Likewise, we should place the various experiences of Soka Gakkai members in proper perspective. Their belief in the DaiGohonzon, Nichiren as True Buddha, interfaith "based" on the Lotus Sutra, and Ikeda as "eternal mentor" too, are incorrect.

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