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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The future of the Nichiren School

The Nichiren schools have been fighting for more than 700 years. No one has been more vitriolic than the Nichiren Shoshu and Soka Gakkai [the Fuji schools] whose pronouncements about the "false" Gohonzons and horrible destinies of the practitioners of the other schools are intensely provocative. The only way to end the fight is for everyone to embrace the same doctrines, faith, and practice as Nichiren Daishonin.  Everyone will have to adopt the same Three Treasures, Three Great Secret Laws, and mindset as Nichiren Daishonin regarding the exclusive faith and practice of the Lotus Sutra. Everyone will have to chant Namu Myoho renge kyo [not some who chant Namu Myoho renge kyo  and others who chant Nam Myoho renge kyo] or we will never be able to chant together and settle our differences. Although it will be a bitter pill for some to swallow, only Gohonzons having the same actual AND symbolic representation as taught by Nichiren Daishonin must be utilized. Everyone will have to agree on the authenticity or inauthenticity of the various writings of Nichiren Daishonin based on rigorous scientific and scholastic methodologies. Once Nichiren revealed the Three Great Secret Laws, nothing remained a secret. There are no secret oral transmissions or secret practices reserved for a particular group of clerics or mentors. There is no transmission other than Myoho renge kyo and the writings of Nichiren Daishonin. Lip service to following the Law, rather than the person, must cease. Many formal debates will have to be organized and all named schools and independents of influence will have to participate [something akin to the Four Buddhist Councils] and if necessary, a rain or similar actual proof challenge may need to be instituted. 

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