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Sunday, May 18, 2014

There is a revolution going on within Nichiren's Buddhism

"What if SGI International was really just some type of complex private family financial corporation to wash-money and slosh it around the world to make profits from real estate and investments in the guise of a religion tax-free?" -- Anticult

That is what it is but even some of those controlling the empire start to believe their own BS. They start to believe that since they are spreading Ikedaism, Nam Myoho renge kyo, and world peace, they are entitled to spend the members donations on themselves in the form of exorbitant salaries. Shakyamuni Buddha had two robes and a bowl and Nichiren had not much more. Their patrons and believers all spread the word for free and their true priests lived a humble life, satisfied with and desiring little. Trust me Anticult, there is a revolution going on within Nichiren's Buddhism and the status quo, the so-called pigs of the Dharma, will not remain in the seat of authority for long.

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