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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Unfit to be a Nichiren Priest

Reverand Ryuei "Shonin" is unfit to be a Nichiren Priest for a myriad of reasons: Mixing the clean teachings of the Lotus Sutra with the dirty teachings of Zen and Theravada; failing to follow the Master Nichiren's teachings and criticizing the Master on more than several occasions; slandering true votaries of the Lotus Sutra; hypocrisy; failing to take the enemies of the Lotus Sutra to task; and placing statue of Jesus on his Buddhist altar. For too long he has fooled the sincere believers and members of the Nichiren Shu and independents. I call for his resignation and that of his supporters, particularly John Petry, president [as of the time of this writing] of the Nichiren Shu laymen's organization.

Every "Thank you Rev. Ryuei" is one less thank you for the Original Buddha Shakyamuni and Nichiren Daishonin. 

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