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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

I say, ditch the rotten apple and go get a clean fresh apple.

I should have said, why not join a more orthodox sect of Nichiren Buddhism, one that more faithfully adheres to the basic tenets of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren or adopt Nichiren's manner as an independent? The Gakkai way is not the way of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren. Find another way or you are complicit. This group is entitled, Former Cult Members and Affected Families Soka Gakkai International -- SGI. It is not a forum for current SGI members or even those who support the SGI. Many of us were damaged by the SGI materially, psychologically, and spiritually. It is an affront to us coming here and praising even one aspect of the SGI. It is like saying, "This is a wonderful apple. There are only a few worms in it" or "This infested apple has some good parts and tasty flesh. Why don't you just cut away the bad parts?" I say, ditch the rotten apple and go get a clean fresh apple.

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