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Sunday, June 8, 2014

On employing non-Buddhists and provisional Buddhists to assist us in defeating the Soka Gakkai

The SGI can be battled on many fronts. They claim to be the one true Nichiren sect and this claim can be evaluated in light of the teachings of Nichiren. They give the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren a bad name by virtue of their poor secular and religious behavior. Their aberrant behavior derives from their aberrant religious faith. It is shortsighted to discount the wisdom of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren in evaluating SGI's history, behavior, structure, practices, faith, implications [influences], and especially the means to expose their errors so they are never repeated and so the people can be spared the grief that we experienced. Some have gone so far to call what we have experienced at the hands of the SGI, "spiritual rape". Nichiren teaches, "all who enter the battle are on the front lines." Although Nichiren never actively sought the help of non-Buddhists and provisional Buddhists in his battle to stay alive, he would never turn away a sympathetic ear or protector. 

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