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Monday, July 7, 2014

Eagle Peak Sunday News and Commentary

World abandoned by the Buddhist gods. Eastern Ukraine rebels abandoned by Russia. Oil and money thicker than blood. Taking over the pensions of millions and the energy needs of the region, too much for Putin's Russia to bear. Candy King not so sweet, killing hundreds and displacing hundreds of thousands. Ukraine will be taken over by the nationalists and Russia will rejoin the league of evil nations, its rightful place in this latter degenerate age. We'll see if Xi is better than Obama, Merkel, Modi, Putin, and Abe. Seems too reliant on self-serving energy needs than sharing with his neighbors. Talks the talk [of peace] but will he walk the walk? Middle East prediction... almost too frightful to contemplate. Probably Sheik Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi not long for the world. Neither Judaism, God, nor the H-bomb can save Israel because cause and effect is strict. If nuclear weapon smuggled into U.S. by Islamic fundamentalists and detonated, Mecca becomes a parking lot of molten glass. California drought becomes a mega drought. On the lighter side, Rowdy Rhonda Rousy could indeed beat Floyd Mayweather in an MMA fight. Many will chant Namu Myoho renge kyo.

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