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Sunday, July 13, 2014

Of what use is the lamp of the SGI after the sun of Nichiren Lotus Sutra Buddhism rises?

Superficially, the benefits of a correct faith and practice are the same as the Soka Gakkai’s. Some Christians too, appear joyful and have experiences of overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles or attaining seemingly miraculous benefits.
Nichiren Daishonin teaches, however, it is not miraculous events that demonstrate the correctness of a teaching, it is a faith and practice that accord with the Lotus Sutra and the Buddha. The true benefit of being alive is to practice Buddhism correctly. The disciples and believers of Nichiren experience the true benefit of the Law because we practice correctly.
The Lotus Sutra teaches, “Desiring to see the Buddha we do not begrudge our life.” The SGI teaches, in effect, “Desiring to gain benefit we do not begrudge our life”. Benefits and even ordinary obstacles are not an accurate compass of a correct faith and practice. This world is not only the domain of the Eternal Buddha but the domain of the King Devil of the Sixth Heaven [fundamental darkness]. Fundamental darkness is the most difficult and ultimate obstacle to overcome. All beings have to overcome this entity/function before they can obtain Buddhahood. Seeking spirit and almost any faith may be sufficient to attain secular benefit and overcome obstacles in the relative sense but only a correct faith and practice can cut through the thick fog of fundamental darkness in order to obtain Buddhahood.
Before realizing that one’s faith and practice is incorrect [the faith of a new SGI member, for example], some benefit and power can be amassed. However, once made aware of one’s mistaken beliefs, for example, once made aware of the correct Three Treasures and correct Three Great Secret Laws and failing to embrace them, one will suffer punishment.
The Daishonin states, “Of what use is a lamp after the sun rises.” Now that the authentic teachings of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Daishonin are being widely diffused and you become aware of them, of what use are the spurious teachings of the Soka Gakkai? Once one knows of the correct faith and practice yet refuses to renounce one’s false beliefs and take up the correct doctrines, one’s seeking spirit and faith will wither and die. Then, even the pitiful and minuscule joy and benefit of the SGI faith will dry up. Happiness in this world, let alone a fortunate birth in countless future existences and salvation for one’s parents, will become impossible.

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