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Monday, July 14, 2014

What top SGI Senior Leaders can do to attain Buddhahood

Top SGI senior leaders have no marketable skills other than robbery, thievery, public relations, marketing, and psychological manipulation. We have no use for robbers, thieves, and psychological manipulators and Nichiren Daishonin's Gohonzon takes care of our marketing and public relations. For the foreseeable future, unless you develop other marketable skills, you will have no choice but to become poor and humble seekers of the Way, in the mold of many of the original disciples of Nichiren Daishonin. You may have to sell your houses, withdraw your children from their private schools, rely on your ill gotten savings and investments, or work two jobs, to make ends meet. This is a small price to pay for attaining Buddhahood in this very body.

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