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Friday, August 8, 2014

How could SGI members such as "Nichiren Buddhist" and Danny Nagashima fail to sink into the the evil paths of existence?

"Next, they have abandoned their father, Shakyamuni Buddha, and hence stand accused of the five cardinal sins. How can they escape falling into the hell of incessant suffering? And finally, they have turned their backs on their teacher, Shakyamuni Buddha, and thus are to be numbered among those who commit the seven cardinal sins. How could they fail to sink into the evil paths of existence?" It is not possible.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Guilty as charged for turning their backs and abandoning Shakyamuni Buddha and committing Seven cardinal Sins

    •Rage, fury, wrath:
    •Materialistic greed, avarice, cupidity:
    •Laziness, sloth, boredom.
    •Arrogance, conceit, pride:
    •Lust: While there is some danger;
    •Envy, jealousy:

    seven cardinal sins [七逆] (Jpn shichi-gyaku): The seven gravest offenses in Buddhism. According to the Brahmā Net Sutra, they are (1) injuring a Buddha, (2) killing one’s father, (3) killing one’s mother, (4) killing a monk of high virtue, (5) killing an āchārya (a Buddhist teacher), (6) causing disunity in the Buddhist Order, and (7) killing a sage. Lists of the seven cardinal sins differ slightly among the Buddhist sutras and commentaries. Miao-lo’s work The Annotations on “Great Concentration and Insight” lists the five cardinal sins as killing one’s father, killing one’s mother, killing an arhat, injuring a Buddha, and causing disunity in the Buddhist Order, and adds to those killing a monk of high virtue and killing an āchārya to make the seven cardinal sins.
