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Sunday, October 19, 2014

It is the latter dreadful age

Ikedaism is the actual appellation of the SGI faith. That many sociologists take SGI's self-ascription, "Buddhist" [let alone "Nichiren Buddhist"] at face value, puts into question every observation proffered. When reading Brian Wilson, Danielle Matreaux, and the myriad other SGI sociologist cheerleaders, please keep in mind that they know little about the orthodox faith and practice of Nichiren Daishonin's Lotus Sutra Buddhism. They know even less than we of the inner workings of the Ikeda cult. Had they done their homework and truly investigated the cult, they never even would have whispered SGI and Buddhism in the same breath, let alone SGI and Nichiren Buddhism. In fact, they would have become critics of the Soka Gakkai in the same mold as we. It is sad. It is the latter dreadful age.

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